ViP Luncheon: Healthy HeartsNathan Littauer Hospital’s Auditorium ~ 99 E. State Street, GloversvilleEnjoy a delicious buffet-style luncheon followed by a guest speaker on a health-related topic.This month: “Healthy Hearts” Learn how to identify symptoms of heart disease, the importance of reporting them to your healthcare provider, and about the latest treatment options available.Guest speaker: Nicole Higgins R.P.A., Littauer’s Primary Care ServicesLuncheon fee: $5 ViP members ~ $6 Public ~ Payable at the doorTo attend the luncheon at 11:30, call HealthLink Littauer at 518-736-1120 by 2/26Speaker presentation at 12 noon is open to the public at no charge ~ no enrollment is necessaryFor more information on ViP Adult (50+) Membership Service, see Vitality Plus