Contact UsThe Nathan Littauer Foundation Board of DirectorsWays to Give2024 EVENTWill Planning GuideYour Personal Assets Inventory GuideNathan Littauer’s Grateful Patient ProgramFoundation Focus NewslettersYour Personal Assets Inventory GuideKnowing at all times what personal papers and property(ies) you have and where they are is the basic to sound personal management. Such a record of past transactions will help you and your family to realistically plan for the future and to face emergencies with minimum difficulties. If you have yet to catalogue your important papers, may be, now is the best time to do it.The following document may be of assistance. Fill in the spaces provided and keep this record of your personal detail in a safe, but readily accessible place (please insert additional pages if the space provided is insufficient).We recommend that this record be revised and updated at least once a year.Your Personal Assets Inventory Guide