Adult MedicineThe Birthing CenterBusiness HealthCardiologyDialysisDiagnostic ImagingEmergency CareFamily PracticeGastroenterologyGeneral SurgeryInfusion TherapyInpatient ServicesInterventional RadiologyLaboratoryLifelineNeurologyNursing at LittauerNutritional ServicesOB/GYNOphthalmologyOrthopedicsOtolaryngologyPediatricsPodiatryCardiopulmonary ServicesQuick N SickRehabilitative MedicineSecurity and SafetyUrologyWomen’s HealthThe Birthing CenterOur Birthing Center reflects today’s state-of-the-art patient care with a warm, intimate atmosphere designed for mothers but enjoyed by all. Our unique, family-centric facility includes:Private labor suites with bathroom, shower and hydrotherapy (whirlpool)Comfortable sitting room and family waiting areaPrivate postpartum roomsPractice skin to skin after deliveryOvernight accommodations and meals provided for your designated support personFlatscreen TVs24-hour secured unit (access is limited at discretion of patient)Free Wi-FiBrahm’s Lullaby played over-head, announcing your baby’s arrival to the whole hospitalEvidence-based practice of nationally recommended protocolsOperating room within the Birthing CenterAnesthesia support as needed3 Certified Nurse Midwives, and 4 OBGYN’sIndividualized Childbirth Education Classes offeredPrepare for your birth with confidence! Our Birthing Center offers FREE one-on-one childbirth preparation classes. Each patient will get a one-on-one educational experience tailored to their needs with one of our certified maternity nurse educators. This is the perfect opportunity to learn, ask questions, and have a tour of The Birthing Center. In this class, we will cover important topics to help expecting parents feel empowered and prepared for pregnancy and childbirth. To register, click the link below:See the Childbirth Preparation Class Registration From here!Certified Lactation Counselors on staffPostpartum lactation supportImmunization Action Coalition: Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor RollParticipated in Safe Motherhood InitiativeElectronic Fetal Monitoring certified providers and nurses on staffDesignated Milk Depot for breast milk donorsAre You Having a Baby? See our Helpful Tips.VISITATION RESTRICTIONSThe following information pertains to Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Visitation Restrictions:7.2.4 Birthing Center: Visiting hours in the Birthing Center following delivery will be from noon until 8:00 p.m. No visitor under the age of 18, unless they are a sibling of the newborn. Labor and Delivery: Two designated support people, which may include a doula, are allowed to be with the patient throughout labor and delivery. They cannot switch-out.Antepartum and Postpartum: One designated support person may remain with the patient throughout their hospital stay. Only two (2) visitors at a time, not including the designated support person for siblings. Siblings of the newborn may visit during posted visiting hours but may only stay for one hour per day. Antepartum Testing: For patients having antepartum testing, one support person may accompany the patient.See our photo gallery of babies born at Littauer!For more information or to schedule a tour of our Birthing Center, give us a call at (518) 773-5710.