Wellness Words October 2018 Posted on October 8, 2018 by Dakota PikeHealthLink Littauer’sWELLNESS WORDSSubmitted by Alicia DeRuscio, B.S.Community Education Assistant SepsisWhat Is Sepsis?The National Institute of Health defines sepsis as a serious medical condition caused by the body’s immune response to an infection. In order to fight an infection, your body releases chemicals into the blood that cause inflammation and affect blood flow.  Poor blood flow results in a lack of oxygen and nutrients supplied to organs, which can lead to organ failure and, in severe cases, death.It’s important to protect yourself against sepsis by knowing the risk factors, recognizing the symptoms, and talking with your healthcare provider to stay ahead of sepsis!What Causes Sepsis?There are many types of disease-causing organisms that can cause sepsis including bacteria, fungi and viruses. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences lists bacteria as the most common cause of sepsis.  Often times, sepsis occurs from an infection within the blood, but sepsis can also result from an infection of a single body part such as the lungs, the skin, or the urinary tract.Who Is At Risk For Sepsis?According the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, anyone can be at risk for sepsis. Infections occur in all people, and all infections can lead to sepsis.  However, individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease are at greater risk for developing infections.  Those more commonly affected by sepsis include adults 65 years or older, children under the age of one, and individuals with a weakened immune system.What Are The Symptoms?If you have an infection that does not improve, experience any of the following symptoms, or feel you may be at risk for sepsis, the CDC recommends contacting your healthcare provider immediately:Confusion or disorientationShortness of breathHigh or rapid heart rateFever, shivering or feeling very coldExtreme pain or discomfortFeeling clammy or sweatyHow Can I Protect Myself?In order to protect your health, talk with your healthcare provider about preventing infection, discuss the risk for sepsis, and how to manage chronic conditions. The CDC also recommends educating yourself and your loved ones on sepsis, as well as practicing good hand hygiene. Make sure to wash your hands anytime they are soiled or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to kill germs and prevent the spread of bacteria.If you would like to learn more, attend a special program on ‘All About Sepsis’ presented by Dr. Frederick Goldberg, Littauer’s Vice President of Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer, on October 24 in Littauer’s Auditorium.You are invited to join us for a buffet-style luncheon at 11:30 for $6 or attend the presentation only at 12 noon at no charge. To attend, call HealthLink Littauer at 518-736-1120 or email healthlink@nlh.org. We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.
Wellness Words September 2018 Posted on September 11, 2018 by Dakota PikeHealthLink Littauer’sWELLNESS WORDSSubmitted by Alicia DeRuscio, B.S.Community Education Assistant Emergency PreparednessThere are many things in life we can predict – the weather, sports outcomes or stock market trends. However, one thing we can’t predict is when an emergency will occur.  Therefore, we must educate and prepare ourselves for the unexpected.  While preparing for an emergency or natural disaster may seem impossible, taking the steps to plan for such events can help us deal with all types of hazards more efficiently.According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are three steps to preparing for all kinds of emergency situations. These three steps include: 1. Prepare An Emergency Kit – Gather supplies for all types of hazards in order to provide for yourself and your loved ones during an emergency. An all–hazards supply kit should be stored in a waterproof bin and contain:Water (one gallon per person)Nonperishable food items (canned meat, dried fruit, peanut butter, etc.)FlashlightBattery–powered or hand–crank radioExtra batteriesFirst aid suppliesOne week supply of medicationsPersonal hygiene or sanitation itemsCopies of personal documents (identification, medication list, proof of address, etc.)Cell phone and chargerEmergency disaster plan with contact informationCashBlanket, clothes and sleeping bagToolsMap2. Make A Plan – Talk with your loved ones prior to an emergency situation and discuss what types of emergencies are most likely to occur in your area, how you will get in contact with one another in the event of an emergency, two different places to meet each other, and an evacuation or escape route from your home. When you and your loved ones have discussed your emergency plan, make sure to practice and review it every year.The CDC also recommends making an emergency communication plan that lists the address and phone number of your emergency meeting places, as well as the contact information of your loved ones. Contact information may include full name, social security number, date of birth, telephone number, address, planned evacuation location and any important medical information.3. Be Informed – Educate yourself on the most recent information available regarding emergencies. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe, follow these basic steps:Learn what health emergencies may occur in your area (a home fire, a medical emergency, or a hurricane).Determine how you will get information during a disaster (TV, radio, or weather station).Learn the difference between weather alerts such as watches or warnings and what you should do during each alert.Be aware of what health emergencies may take place in areas you travel to and how to respond to them.Make sure you or someone in your household is trained in CPR and knows how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).Make sure everyone in your household knows where the fire extinguisher is kept and how to use it.Teach children how and when to call 911.Share what you’ve learned with others to help keep them informed.By following these steps, you will be better prepared during an emergency situation. If you would like to learn more, attend a special program on ‘Hazardous Events’ presented by Steven Santa Maria, Fulton County Civil Defense Director & Fire Coordinator, on September 26 in Littauer’s Auditorium.You are invited to join us for a buffet-style luncheon at 11:30 for $6 or attend the presentation only at 12 noon at no charge. To attend, call HealthLink Littauer at 518-736-1120 or email healthlink@nlh.org. We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.
Wellness Words August 2018 Posted on August 15, 2018 by Dakota PikeHealthLink Littauer’sWELLNESS WORDSSubmitted by Alicia DeRuscio, B.S.Community Education Assistant Pain AwarenessHave you been experiencing long-lasting pain?According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM), more than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain every year, affecting more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Pain can result from a number of health concerns including injury, disease or physical conditions.What is chronic pain?The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke defines chronic pain as pain that persists over a long period of time. Unlike short-term or acute pain, chronic pain is not a normal sensation; it is a continuous sensation of hurt that lasts for weeks, months or even years. More often than not, pain is caused by an initial injury or condition such as a sprained wrist, arthritis, or an ear infection.However, people may experience pain without having suffered a previous injury or health problem. Some of the most common complaints of chronic pain stem from headaches, lower back problems, cancer, arthritis and damage to nerves. The AAPM estimates that over 1.5 billion people suffer from chronic pain worldwide, with the top three leading causes resulting from low back pain, severe headache or migraine, and neck pain.Effects of chronic painChronic pain comes in many forms that can negatively affect your quality of life. For example, persistent pain may limit your ability to move around and perform everyday tasks. According to the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, this can often lead to decreased activity and result in weakened muscles. When your muscles are weakened and your body is not used to performing daily activities, even the slightest use can result in more pain.Chronic pain can also affect your mental state causing feelings of frustration, anger, anxiety or depression. These physical and mental challenges may intensify feelings and make it more difficult to deal with a painful situation.Dealing with chronic painIf you’re experiencing long-term pain, the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program suggests talking with your healthcare provider about your symptoms to better address the cause of your pain. Providers may be able to prescribe treatment or medication to address the problem or alleviate your symptoms.However, since the cause of chronic pain is not always certain, treatment and medication may not always work. A few other tools for pain management include:Exercise: Exercise provides many health benefits, including pain relief. Talk with your healthcare provider about which activities are best for you.Using your mind: Use methods of relaxation, such as deep breathing or muscle stretching to help ease your pain.Ice, Heat or Massage: Try icing, heating, or massaging local areas of pain such as the back, knees, or neck.HealthLink currently offers programs that can aid in pain relief such as Chair Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Senior Steps, and Chronic Disease Self-Management.For more information on chronic pain, talk to your healthcare provider, or call HealthLink Littauer at 518-736-1120. You can email us at healthlink@nlh.org or visit our wellness center on 2 Colonial Court in downtown Johnstown. We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.
Teddy Bear Hospital Posted on August 13, 2018August 13, 2018 by Dakota PikeNathan Littauer’s first Teddy Bear Hospital was a HUGE success! Thank you to all of our volunteers who made this event happen. Also a special thank you to the Gloversville Fire Department, Fulton County Ambulance and to LifeNet for showing children the inside “scoop” of their equipment. It’s safe to say we had many healthy teddy bears head home in our community today!