While most hospitals are reporting longer ER wait times, NLH has improved theirs

While most hospitals are reporting longer ER wait times, NLH has improved theirs

Here’s a story from our media partners at The Gazette:

Emergency department wait times longer than average in Capital Region

Most area hospitals report slower service than state and national averages

John Cropley| May 19, 2018

Hospital personnel huddle in the Nathan Littauer Emergency Care Center on Thursday. – Photo Provided


CAPITAL REGION — With a few exceptions, wait times in Capital Region hospital emergency departments are significantly longer than state and national averages.

Waits at some hospitals are getting longer from year to year — even as the statewide average steadily declines, and even as hospitals steadily build urgent care facilities to divert patients with less-severe injuries and illness from their emergency rooms.

The Daily Gazette looked at five years’ worth of data archived by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to detail the trend.

The elapsed time from when a patient walks in the door to when that patient receives a diagnostic evaluation is one of many metrics compiled by the agency, but it’s critical in shaping a patient’s perception of a hospital visit.

The data is generated through anonymous, standardized surveys filled out by patients upon discharge; the results are self-reported by hospitals to the federal agency.

From 2012 to 2017, the annual average wait time decreased from 37 to 20 minutes in New York state, and from 28 to 25 minutes nationwide, at hospitals large enough to generate meaningful amounts of data.

In the Capital Region, the average wait ranged from 13 minutes at St. Mary’s Healthcare in Amsterdam to 54 minutes at Albany Medical Center over the same five-year period.

In the most recent period for which data is compiled, April 2016 to March 2017, the disparity was even greater: 11 minutes at St. Mary’s and 70 minutes at Albany Med.

Some points jump out of the data:

  • St. Mary’s has had a consistently short wait — lower than state and national averages — in all five years.
  • Ellis Hospital in Schenectady held its wait time remarkably steady before, during and after the construction of a new $61 million emergency department designed to deliver better and faster care.
  • Nathan Littauer Hospital in Gloversville cut its time in each of the five years, dropping from 42 to 12 minutes, on average.
  • St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany ricocheted from 22 to 12 to 43 minutes.
  • Glens Falls Hospital cut its wait time in four of the five years, but still remained well above state and national averages.


Courtney Burke, chief operating officer of the Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS), said the decreasing wait times are a result of an industry effort to provide better patient experiences and outcomes. A key part of this has been adding convenient outpatient treatment options — the ubiquitous “urgent care center.” These are part of a general drive to deliver better service, she said.

However, there isn’t anything unique to New York state that caused hospital emergency departments here to have wait times longer than the national average in 2012-13 or shorter in 2016-17, Burke said.

Reducing the wait is just part of the picture, she said. Improving access and improving quality are equally important.

HANYS, a trade group that represents many hospitals, has worked with its members on other critical measures of care, including reducing readmission rates and hospital-acquired infection rates. It has not had as much input on care in emergency departments (which is the industry term for what was previously called the emergency room, or ER).


Dr. Frederick Goldberg, vice president-medical affairs and chief medical officer at Nathan Littauer, said the hospital’s steady progress was a result of steady effort by a lot of people.

“Some of this improvement preceded some of the current folks that are making a difference,” he said.

The wait time doesn’t officially end until the patient is evaluated by a doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant, and that is a bit misleading, Goldberg said: Long before that average 12-minute wait is over, a Littauer patient will have been seen by a nurse who will make critical decisions on the direction of the patient’s care.

“Our nurses are health care professionals, and without them, this process would not be possible,” Goldberg said.

Margaret Houghton, nurse manager of the Littauer Emergency Care Center, said: “Because we are a community hospital, we see everything: Trauma, distress, heart attacks.”

The pivot-nurse model of triage moves the most critically distressed patients past the normal intake process, so care can begin almost immediately, but it also expedites less-critical patients into the proper care setting, she said.

“We have a beautiful waiting room, and it’s rarely used, and we’re proud of that,” Houghton said.

Littauer sees 24,000 patients a year in its Emergency Care Center.


Amsterdam’s hospital is another that has seen steady declines in its emergency department wait times. The difference is that the wait dropped from below-average to far-below-average: 18 minutes in 2012; 17 in 2013; 10 in 2014; 10 in 2015, and 11 in 2016.

“Primarily, it had to do with teamwork,” said Chief Nursing Officer Michele Walsh. A group from across the hospital was assembled several years ago to look at how every stage of the process could be improved, and just as importantly, how the stages could be meshed together more efficiently, she said.

Factors that might seem unrelated to the Emergency Department actually have an outsize influence on it. If an inpatient ward in another part of the building is slow to discharge its patients, for example, the emergency department can’t admit patients into that ward, and therefore can’t clear its own beds to make way for the next emergency department patient.

Ninety percent of St. Mary’s inpatients are admitted from its emergency department, so the potential for a traffic jam exists if every step of the process doesn’t work smoothly.

St. Mary’s reputation has spread, but mostly by word of mouth. The hospital hasn’t particularly advertised the short wait times, said Jerri Cortese, director of community relations. That’s a delicate proposition, she said, because when someone is in great pain, any wait seems too long, so it seems wrong to tell them they’ll likely have to wait 11 minutes to be seen.

Nonetheless, people in the region are aware of the short wait times, said Kenneth Chicoski, manager of the Emergency Department. Many of the 32,000 patient visits per year are from residents of a neighboring county.

Walsh said out-of-region visitors stopping in on their way to or from the Adirondacks often remark on the speedy intake.

Dr. Bill Mayer, St. Mary’s chief medical officer, said emergency departments remain a necessity, despite better alternatives, simply because there aren’t enough of those better alternatives.

He recalled being told in medical school 30 years ago that there was a shortage of primary care physicians in the United States. There still is. It’s worse now. He’d hire two tomorrow, if he could.

“We’re recruiting for primary care,” he said. “I think every area in upstate New York is, as well.”

Perhaps because of this, or for other reasons, many younger people aren’t developing long-term relationships with family doctors and, instead, wind up in emergency departments or urgent care clinics. This also serves to deprive them of the steady presence of a single doctor who gets to know them and can help keep them from developing health problems, rather than treating health problems as they arise.


Saratoga Hospital has cut its wait time in each of the past four reporting periods but remains well above state and national averages in the most recent year, at 33 minutes.

Dr. Richard Falivena, a vice president of the hospital and its chief medical and physician integration officer, said the hospital is aware its wait time is longer than average.

“We are always looking to reduce the average time, even in the emergency department,” he said. One strategy to do this has been opening urgent care facilities in Wilton and Malta, and encouraging the less-ill patients to go there instead of the emergency department.

This has happened: The main hospital emergency department had nearly 38,000 patient visits in 2017, while Malta had approximately 33,000 and Wilton nearly 34,000, with shorter average wait times than at the emergency department. As another benefit, both facilities are about 10 miles from the hospital, cutting drive time for some patients.

Looking at a subgroup of patients for whom every minute is critical, the Saratoga Hospital Emergency Department wait time is a lot less than 33 minutes.

That facility rates arriving patients on a triage scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the most critically ill or injured, such as stroke and heart-attack victims. Falivena said Triage 1 patients had only a 14-minute average wait time in 2017, and doctors were looking at EKG results for suspected heart attack patients just six minutes after arrival, on average.

The flip side of this is that many Triage 5 patients had to wait longer than the average 33 minutes.

Even among Triage 1 cases, there’s nuance. A suspected stroke patient will go in for a brain scan immediately upon arrival, which stretches out the officially recorded wait time. The doctor can’t begin evaluation or treatment until it’s clear whether there’s a clot or a bleed in the brain — the two conditions have very different treatments, and the wrong choice can leave the patient debilitated or dead.

“There are times when the arrival-to-provider time is not the best metric of good care, and a great example is stroke.” Falivena said.


In Schenectady, Ellis Hospital’s emergency department is a new, state-of-the art facility with an average arrival-to-evaluation wait time of 36 minutes — the same as the emergency room it replaced.

Dr. Carlton Rule, vice president and executive director of Ellis Medical Group, explained the reasons for this via email:

“The Ellis Hospital Emergency Department remains one of the busiest in the Capital Region, handling more than 75,000 visits each year. It is a resource our community relies on.

“Several factors contribute to (emergency department) wait times, including the complexity and urgency of the patient mix in any given hour. That said, our wait times at the Ellis Hospital (emergency department) have remained consistent in recent years, despite seeing more complex cases — driven in part by the region’s aging population.

“While there are many challenges in running an emergency department in an upstate city, we continue to implement new initiatives to address wait times and continuously improve quality of care. In addition, Ellis has invested heavily in improving patient access at our other facilities, giving patients more options when they have less complex cases that can be treated outside the (emergency department) setting.

“For instance, we have expanded walk-in options and hours at our primary care facilities throughout the region. And later this year, we plan to open an urgent and primary care practice at Mohawk Harbor, which is designed to give patients additional options for less-severe cases.”


St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany is at the heart of the largest medical organization in the Capital Region: St. Peter’s Health Partners, with nearly 12,500 employees in more than 165 locations.

Its emergency department is busier than most, but not as busy as those at Albany Med and Ellis. The wait time in 2016-17 averaged 43 minutes.

Dr. Frank Dimase, chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine, summarized the factors influencing the operation of the St. Peter’s Emergency Department via email:

  • “As an integral part of a tertiary care center, we have seen a rise in the acuity level at St. Peter’s Hospital Emergency Department. Our patients have complex medical problems and presentations, which accounts for an admission rate of nearly 40 percent — more than twice that of the national average for a department with our volume.”
  • “Our average daily ambulance volume — patients who arrive at the hospital via ambulance — is 27 percent, which is also higher than the national average.”
  • “Conversely, our ‘fast track’ or ‘urgent care’ volume is smaller, and has shifted to our affiliated urgent care centers and primary care providers.”
  • “These factors have significantly affected our door-to-diagnostic evaluation time, as many of our patients require extensive evaluations and resources.”
  • “The number of patients visiting the St. Peter’s Hospital (Emergency Department) has been stable over the past several years — at around 56,000 patients per year — while many other area hospitals saw a decline in (emergency department) volume during the same time period.”

“In 2016, St. Peter’s Hospital realized (emergency department) wait times were on the rise, and we took action to improve the time in which patients were seen and admitted. We believe these procedural changes will reduce our (emergency department) wait times in future years.”

“We have also been looking at other physical improvements, for example, making some changes at the triage area, which we believe will improve wait times in the (emergency department).”


Albany Med’s Emergency Department is the Capital Region’s busiest, narrowly topping Ellis with nearly 79,000 patient visits in 2017. Albany Med also recorded more than 100,000 patient visits in 2017 at its EmUrgentCare clinics. Like the hospital industry as a whole, Albany Med sees urgent care as a way to provide care in less time and at lower cost for those whose conditions are not serious enough to require emergency room treatment.

Nonetheless, Albany Med recorded the region’s longest average emergency wait — 70 minutes — in 2016-17. Albany Med said in a prepared statement that it has taken steps in response:

“As the region’s only Level 1 Trauma Center, Albany Med cares for the sickest and most critically injured patients. Like every other hospital, Albany Med treats patients by prioritizing their care according to severity of their illness or injury to ensure that patients who need immediate care are treated in a timely fashion.

“Albany Med has taken numerous steps to meet the ever-increasing and diverse needs of patients seeking our emergency care, including opening 10 EmUrgentCare Centers throughout the region to provide access to Albany Med providers for lower acuity needs, as well as developing a dedicated pediatric emergency department to open this summer specifically for the needs of children and their families.

“This will help provide a uniquely appropriate environment for children while expanding our capacity for treating emergency needs.”


EMS Strong Announces ‘Stronger Together’ Campaign; Honors EMS Professionals

Campaign unifies the profession and brings awareness to National EMS Week, May 20-26

Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home Emergency Care Center together with EMS responders from the Ambulance Service of Fulton County. Paramedic Student, Peter Simoneau, left, EMT, Monique Lemperle, Paramedic Supervisor, Frank Sheeran, Littauer RN, Nicole Gueve, and Littauer ECC Manager, Maggie Houghton, RN, CEN

GLOVERSVILLE, NEW YORK (May 21, 2018) – Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home are joining the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), in partnership with the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), to proudly announce this year’s EMS STRONG campaign theme: STRONGER TOGETHER. The annual EMS STRONG campaign provides opportunities to recognize the emergency medical services (EMS) community, enhance and strengthen the profession on a national level, and expand and celebrate National EMS Week, May 20-26, 2018.

“Because we are a small community hospital, we rely on our EMS partners to provide professional emergency care services. We are a team working as one, caring for our patients,” states Littauer’s Emergency Care Center Manager, Maggie Houghton, RN, CEN.

The campaign brings together key organizations, media partners, and corporate sponsors that are committed to recognizing and fortifying the EMS community, commending recent groundbreaking accomplishments, and increasing awareness of National EMS Week.

“Last year’s devastating disasters and mass casualty incidents revealed the strength, dedication, and willingness of the EMS community to come to together, across the nation, in a time of dire need to aid our country,” says Dr. Paul D. Kivela, president, ACEP. “Now, more than ever, we must come together and honor the sacrifices that the EMS community makes by increasing awareness and finding opportunities to protect and pursue the interests of our nation’s EMS professionals.”

EMSSTRONG.org serves as a resource for stakeholders and the public to learn of inspiring stories from EMS practitioners, ways to get involved and EMS Week ideas, activities, and templates. The website, which is also home to the annual EMS Week Planning Guide, encourages EMS personnel and stakeholders to promote their own industry and share content on social media platforms.

“NAEMT is devoted to a future in which EMS is highly recognized and respected across all health care professions and among other health care stakeholders,” stated NAEMT President Dennis Rowe. “Whether it be through funding, resources, or political and public support, an enhanced EMS workforce allows practitioners to provide better patient care.”

EMS Week dedicates each day to specific themes under the ‘Stronger Together’ umbrella. First responders are encouraged to plan activities and events around these themes in their communities.

  • Monday, May 21: Education Day
  • Tuesday, May 22: Safety Day
  • Wednesday, May 23: EMS for Children Day
  • Thursday, May 24: Save-A-Life Day
  • Friday, May 25: EMS Recognition Day

Integral to the campaign’s success is the continuing involvement of the corporate sponsors, strategic association partners and strategic media partners.

Corporate Sponsors include:

Genentech, Medtronic, National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT), Priority Ambulance, Stryker Medical, Teleflex Medical, American Heart Association, Bound Tree Medical, PerSys Medical, Rev Group, Air Methods, Ferno, Inc., Laerdal Medical and Moore Medical

Strategic Association Partners include:

American Ambulance Association, Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education, Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions, International Association of Fire Chiefs, International Association of Fire Fighters, International Public Safety Association, National Association of EMS Educators, National Association of EMS Physicians, National Association of State EMS Officials, National EMS Management Association, National Registry of EMTs and National Volunteer Fire Council.


About Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home

Nathan Littauer Hospital and Family of Health Services serves Fulton, Montgomery, and Hamilton counties in upstate New York with a full-service, 84-bed acute care hospital, 10 primary care centers, a nursing home and a community education center. The hospital was founded in 1894 and has nearly 1,000 employees. Littauer’s medical staff provides well over 130,000 patient encounters each year. For more information, please visit www.nlh.org.

Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home Honors Auxilians

The Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home Auxiliary celebrating Auxilian Day on May 9, 2018

GLOVERSVILLE, NEW YORK (May 9, 2018) – Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home is grateful to the Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home Auxiliary 77 members, and the over 11,000 hours they have volunteered over the past year. Within this time, the auxiliary provided volunteer hours serving Littauer patients, nursing home residents and visitors, maintained and ran the hospital gift shop, organized and facilitated blood drives, the annual Tree of Lights ceremony, the hospital Reflection Garden, annual Card Game & Party, knit newborn baby hats and delivered U.S. Flags to patient Veterans, and many other volunteer activities.

In a luncheon held May 9 at Raindancer Restaurant in Perth, the auxilians and volunteers were recognized by Littauer President and CEO, Laurence Kelly, who praised the group for their monumental efforts.

Littauer Director of Volunteer Services, Susan McNeil said to the group, “When you volunteer, you are making a commitment to share that most precious of resources, your time, and you have made life better for those who are in need. Your volunteerism is recognized, appreciated, valued and cherished.”

New York State has more than 75,000 healthcare auxilians who initiate, fund, and volunteer for a wide variety of patient and family care services—from outpatient clinics to intensive care units. They sponsor community health fairs, health screenings, blood banks, and wellness lecture series; raise funds for hospital and nursing home equipment; and organize and underwrite outreach programs in their communities.


Wellness Words May 2018

HealthLink Littauer’sAlicia DeRuscio-Head


Submitted by Alicia DeRuscio, B.S.

Community Education Assistant


May Is National Physical Fitness Month

As an older adult, routine physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health! No matter your age or abilities, there’s much to be gained from making physical activity a part of your day.

According the National Institute on Aging (NIA), being active can help:

  • Improve and maintain your physical strength
  • Improve and maintain your cardiovascular fitness
  • Improve your ability to do everyday tasks
  • Improve your balance
  • Prevent future health problems
  • Manage and improve current health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension or osteoporosis
  • Improve your mood and overall well-being
  • Decrease feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression

Physical activity includes three main categories – endurance or aerobic activity, strength training, and balance and flexibility.

Endurance or Aerobic Activity:  Endurance or aerobic activities help keep your heart, lungs and blood vessels healthy. They increase your heart rate and speed up your breathing. Common examples of aerobic activity include walking, taking a dance class, or pushing a lawn mower.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that adults ages 65 years or older get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity each week. Intensity is defined as how hard you are working. When working at a moderate intensity, you should feel somewhat challenged, but still be able to carry on a conversation.

Strength Training:  The NIA defines strength training as activities or movements that make your muscles stronger. This type of exercise can help you continue your everyday activities, such as carrying groceries or getting up from a chair. Some examples of strength training include lifting weights, using a resistance band, or using your own bodyweight to do a pushup.

The CDC recommends that older adults perform muscle–strengthening activities two or more days a week, working all major muscle groups including the legs, hips, chest, shoulders, back, arms, and abdomen.

Balance and Flexibility:  Balance and flexibility exercises help your body stay limber, giving you the freedom to perform day-to-day activities as well as other forms of exercise. These exercises stretch your muscles and prevent you from falling. Standing on one foot, stretching your arms overhead, or taking a Tai Chi class, are just a few examples of balance and flexibility exercises.

According to the NIA, certain aerobic activities and strength training movements can improve balance, as well. To promote health and prevent injury, be sure to include all three categories – aerobic, strength training, and balance and flexibility exercises – into your weekly routine.

Ready To Get Started?  Being physically active doesn’t mean you have to join a gym or buy expensive exercise equipment. You can learn to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine! Take the stairs instead of the elevator, use soup cans to strengthen your muscles at home, or stretch for ten minutes every morning before starting your day.

Small amounts of physical activity throughout the day can help you reach the CDC’s recommended amount of physical activity each week. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider before beginning an exercise routine to see what activities are best for you and which activities you may want to avoid.

‘Spring’ Into Fitness With HealthLink Littauer!  We currently offer a variety of classes every month including Zumba, Zumba Gold, Chair Yoga and Gentle Yoga. In June, we’ll begin a Senior Steps walking group and a Stretch & Strengthen class.  Check out our monthly program calendar online at www.nlh.org or call us for a free copy!

If you would like to learn more, attend a special program on ‘Senior Fitness’ in Littauer’s Auditorium on May 23. You are invited to join us for a buffet-style luncheon at 11:30 for $6 or attend the presentation only at 12 noon at no charge. To attend, call HealthLink Littauer at 518-736-1120 or send an email to healthlink@nlh.org.  We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.

Littauer celebrates National Hospital Week

2018 NLH celebrating 50 years – cake made by Littauer’s Director of Nutritional Services, David Ward

GLOVERSVILLE, NEW YORK (May 7, 2018) – Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home celebrates this National Hospital Week with events, activities and historical milestones.

National Hospital Week 2018 celebrates hospitals, health systems, and the women and men who support the health and well-being of their communities through dedication and care from the heart. Littauer’s network of healthcare systems recognizes the nearly 1000 employees for the countless services they bring to patients and the community every day.

At Littauer, celebrating National Hospital Week provides an opportunity to thank all of the dedicated individuals – physicians, nurses, therapists, engineers, food service workers, volunteers, administrators and so many more – for their contributions.

This year Littauer is celebrating 50 years in its current home. Activities spanning the hospital’s conception, to the cornerstone laying and opening of the current hospital to be commemorated throughout the week. Hospital employees can enjoy special treatments such as chair messages, a 50-year special anniversary cake presentation, a company-wide barbeque and the annual surprise gift to each employee.

For more details on Littauer’s Hospital Week celebrations, the hospital history and special events please go to www.nlh.org or to the Littauer Facebook page.