Littauer welcomes Dr. Luz Alvarez Posted on May 7, 2015May 7, 2015 by Dakota Pike“I am excited to join Littauer and I am happy to bring my practice here”Nathan Littauer Hospital is proud to announce Luz F. Alvarez, M.D. has joined the Gastroenterology Specialists of Littauer. Alvarez is an established gastroenterologist with a dedicated practice in this region and nearly three decades of medical experience.Dr. Alvarez has joined the Nathan Littauer Gastroenterologist Specialty Team“Dr. Alverez has a thriving practice and we were more than willing to help her migrate that practice to the new center we developed and customized to her clinical needs,” said Laurence E. Kelly, Littauer’s President and CEO. “As CEO, it is especially satisfying to know we will have thousands of new patients that will now be a part of Littauer Health Services.”“I am excited to join Littauer and I am happy to bring my practice here,” claims Dr. Alvarez.Dr. Alvarez is combining forces with Dr. Kamini Ramani who also has a firmly established and well respected medical practice, and Dr. Hamid Azizur Rehman, whom she has worked closely with for 25 years. The three Littauer doctors together create the region’s most highly respected force in gastroenterology, armed with the latest state-of-the-art technology and equipment.“Joining Littauer was a very smooth transition for me and my practice,” said Alvarez. “I am able to work with a well-recognized team, and bring my services to the Littauer community.”Dr. Alvarez was born in Colombia, and came to the United States when she was 14 years-old. She knew she wanted to be a doctor since childhood.“I was told as a child to be a nurse – women are not meant to be doctors” said Dr. Alvarez. “Perhaps that is why I have always strived so hard to be the best at what I do.”She completed her undergraduate education at SUNY New Paltz in three years then continued medical school at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse at where she fulfilled her childhood dream of becoming a doctor. She completed her residency and a GI fellowship at Albany Medical College and has been in private practice since 1990.“What is most gratifying to me is working directly with my patients. I enjoy getting to know them,” said Alvarez.You will find Dr. Alvarez’s offices at Littauer’s Gastroenterology Primary/Specialty Center, 135 County Highway 128, Johnstown, (also known as 434 So. Kingsboro Ave. Extension next to Cataract Care Center and Mohawk Valley Orthopedics).“I am looking forward to working in the new and complete outpatient endoscopy center,” touted Dr. Alvarez. “My patients can now be seen, be pretested, and undergo their procedure all at the same site. With this new seamless process, there will be no delays, and in most cases no lines and no use for a different facility. I think it will create a much more comfortable process for patients.”An entirely new gastroenterology suite was developed at Litttauer’s Johnstown Surgery Center on So. Kingsboro Ave. for Dr. Alvarez. The 1458 square foot suite houses three exam rooms, one procedure room, two offices, two restrooms, and a new reception area. The office is adjacent to the completely refurbished Endoscopy Center with a reception area, three operating rooms; sterilization equipment, a multiple patient bay recovery room, exam rooms, and the most complete state-of-the art technology and equipment for all procedures.Dr. Alvarez notes the transition for her existing patients is going to be a very comfortable process, as she is happy to say her staff has joined her at Littauer.“I am excited to bring to my new center many of the same people I have worked with for the past 25 years. People from the front desk, to nurses, and gastroenterology technicians have been with my practice. Patients will have a very easy transition with all the familiar faces they have gotten to know and trust over the years,” said Alvarez.Alvarez went on to say; “In addition to the new center, I am thrilled to be working with such a brilliant team of gastroenterologists. I have worked in collaboration with Dr. Ramani and Dr. Rehman for the past 25 years. As a team we can offer wonderful, quality patient care with complete coverage and service to this area.”Colorectal cancer – which can be detected and treated by gastroenterologists, is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. Regularly scheduled screenings are highly recommended. People with any type of digestive orders are encouraged to schedule a consultation or appointment with Dr. Alvarez by calling (518) 752-5275. XXX
Your green neighbor Posted on April 22, 2015April 22, 2015 by Dakota PikeWatch our Earth Day message here!Here at Nathan Littauer Hospital, we have come up with simple and creative ways to stay green.Nathan Littauer, caring for Mother Earth, too.On this Earth Day we would like to share just a few things we do to care for Mother Earth too:We have saved 24,000 gallons a year by switching to microfiber mop heads.We use a chemical free floor stripper, which is non-toxic and odor free.We added a car charging station last year.We also added new lights to our parking lot, which will save us 330,000 kilowatt hours.We repurpose buildings for our Primary Care Centers.We send unused medical supplies to third-world nations.We clean condenser coils because we have found we use six to eight percent less electricity if we do so.We have bike racks and many employees car pool.We added a white roof to our nursing home to save electricity.That is why we people call us their “Green Neighbor”.
Our new MRI has patients and doctors saying WOW! Posted on April 21, 2015April 21, 2015 by Dakota Pike“Wow!” That is what we are hearing about our new MRI technology from GE Healthcare. See what makes this machine so unique:
Wellness Words April 2015 Posted on April 14, 2015 by Dakota PikeHealthLink Littauer’sWELLNESS WORDSSubmitted by Wendy Chirieleison, MS EdCommunity Health EducatorEarly Detection Is Key To Minimizing Effects Of CancerThere are more than 100 types of cancer that can develop throughout the body, which grow at different rates and respond to different treatments. But, they all have one thing in common. All cancers start due to a rapid growth of abnormal cells. Cancer that is untreated can cause serious illness or even death.Knowing the signs and symptoms, and getting screened regularly is essential to the early detection of cancer. This is important because treatments work best on cancer when it is detected early, and it helps prevent the spreading of cancer to other areas of the body. Additionally, there are specific things that you can do to help you prevent cancer.SIGNS & SYMPTOMSSigns and symptoms are signals that the body is going through something like an injury, illness, or disease. Signs are signals that can be seen such as a fever, fast breathing, or a rash. A symptom is a signal that can only be felt by the person who has it such as a loss of appetite, fatigue, or achiness.According to the American Cancer Society, there are five general signs and symptoms of cancer. Having one or more of these warning signs does not mean that you have caner, but you should definitely speak with your doctor about any concerns that you have, or if you are experiencing any of the following – an unexplained weight loss of ten pounds or more, a fever, fatigue (or extreme tiredness that does not get better with rest), changes in skin texture (color or sensation), and lastly – pain can be a symptom of certain types of cancer.In addition to these general signs and symptoms of cancer, there are other common signs and symptoms that are associated with certain types of cancer. They are a change in bowel habits or bladder function, sores that do not heal, white spots in the mouth or on the tongue, unusual bleeding or discharge, thickening of the skin or lump, indigestion or trouble swallowing, any new skin changes (including a new or changed mole or wart), a nagging cough or hoarseness. Remember that having one or more of these symptoms does not mean that you definitely have cancer. Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms.GET SCREENED REGULARLYEarly detection offers the best results in treating and minimizing the spread of cancer. There are many types of tests and procedures for men and women that are recommended throughout each stage of life that can detect different types of cancers. Talk to your doctor to learn which tests and procedures are the best for you.Some of the test preps, and tests themselves, may be difficult but – are much better than their alternative. If you are squeamish or nervous about testing, ask your spouse (or a relative or friend) to go with you, ask if you are able to bring relaxing music to listen to, use visualization or deep breathing (or other stress reducing strategies), or bring something with you to focus on that will distract you.HELP PREVENT CANCERDo not use tobacco products…if you need help quitting, call the NYS Smokers Quitline at 1-866-697-8487.Maintain a healthy weight.Keep moving with regular physical activity.Eat healthy by including plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet.Limit your intake of alcohol.Wear sunscreen every day…use a facial moisturizer that contains SPF.Wear a hat, sunglasses, or long sleeves and re-apply sunscreen during prolonged time outdoors.Know your family’s medical history and share this information with your health care provider.For more information, visit, contact your healthcare provider or HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120. You can e-mail us at, see our website at, or visit our NEW wellness center at 2 Colonial Court in downtown Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.
WOW! Technology meets comfort at Littauer Posted on March 25, 2015April 1, 2015 by Dakota PikeNathan Littauer brings unique technology to the areaOnce again, Littauer has brought cutting-edge diagnostic imaging to the region. The hospital added the latest MRI technology to their main campus. A new suite was constructed to house the Optima MR450w with GEM, the latest in an advanced system from GE Healthcare. The system is designed to help maximize patient comfort while delivering uncompromised image quality.“This latest MRI is both patient and clinician friendly while producing leading-edge imagery,” states Director of Imaging/Cardiopulmonary Services Dwayne Eberle at Nathan Littauer Hospital.“The image quality at Littauer is of the highest quality anywhere. You could not get a better image at another major hospital. And good imagery means a better diagnosis,” said Littauer’s Chief of Radiology Dr. John Mastrangelo.The GE Optima* MR450w’s innovative wide bore design allows more space for added patient comfort. The table surface with different cushion densities is designed to alleviate pressure points, and a new coil array that offers feet-first imaging for all exam types. “Our Diagnostic Team is committed to making people feel as comfortable as possible. We understand these are stressful tests. That is why my staff is committed to making people feel comfortable. The more comfortable a patient feels the better images we get” said Littauer’s Chief of Radiology Dr. John Mastrangelo.In addition, GE’s Optima MR450w includes Silent Scan, a revolutionary new technique that makes some exams as quiet as a whisper.“Nathan Littauer has always been a leader in bringing new diagnostic imaging to this area,” said Cheryl McGrattan, Littauer Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “People with migraines or people who are claustrophobic will be especially happy to hear this news.”Funding for MRI was made in part by donations from the Nathan Littauer Foundation. “The community response to this MRI project was overwhelming. Clearly, people are committed to keeping Littauer in the forefront of technology. ” said Geoffrey Peck, Nathan Littauer Foundation Executive Director. He added, “We are so grateful to the donors who saw the need in our community and responded so generously.”To learn more or to schedule services, contact Littauer’s Diagnostic Imaging Department at (518) 773-5520, or go to www.nlh.orgPhoto – Littauer Patient Coordinator Keri Calhoun assists a patient for a scan in Littauer’s Optima MR450w with GEM, the latest in an advanced system from GE Healthcare