Wellness Words November 2014

Wellness Words November 2014

HealthLink Littauer’s


Submitted by Wendy Chirieleison, MS Ed

Community Health Educator

Get Screened For Diabetes Every Year Starting At Age 45

According to the Mayo Clinic, if you are overweight or have a family history of diabetes, then you are at risk for developing diabetes.  Other risk factors are age, race, inactivity, high blood pressure, or abnormal cholesterol.

While this may be bad news, on the bright side, it is never too late to make changes in your life that can help reduce your risk of, or even prevent, diabetes.  The Mayo Clinic recommends five easy steps that are as simple as eating right, moving more, and shedding a few pounds.


Research shows that an exercise regimen of both aerobic and resistance training worked best in regards to preventing diabetes.  What can you do to increase your activity level?  How about joining walking groups, using a stationary bike, trying a workout video, playing a sport with friends, or taking a class?

Are you tech savvy?  How about downloading a pedometer app to your smart phone or IPhone?  According to the research conducted by the National Institute of Health, these types of apps do increase physical activity and help people enjoy exercise more.


A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds can pack a big punch when consumed on a regular basis.  Not only can fiber help maintain blood sugar levels, fiber can also help you lose weight by making you feel full, and lowering your risk of heart disease.

So how can you add more fiber to your diet?  According to WebMD, it is easier than you think!  Start your day with a high fiber cereal, eat your daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, add beans to your diet a few times a week, and try adding a tablespoon of flaxseed into your smoothies, soups, or other dishes like casseroles.  Remember that the difference between fiber and whole grains is that fiber is a component of the food we eat, where whole grains are ingredients.


‘Make half your grains whole’ is a new slogan created by the US Department of Agriculture to teach people of the importance of consuming whole grain foods, how to spot a whole grain food from an imposter, and simple substitutions that we can make each day to increase consumption of whole grains.

While shopping for whole grains, remember it is not the color of the food item, but rather the ingredients that count.  In order for a product to be considered whole grain, ingredients such as whole wheat, brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, oatmeal, whole grain cornmeal, whole oats, whole rye, or wild rice must be listed first.  Otherwise, it is not a whole grain product.  Products labeled as multi-grain, stone-ground, 100% wheat, cracked wheat, seven-grain, or bran are usually not 100% whole-grain products, and may not contain any whole grain at all, so be sure to read labels.


The good news is, if you are following steps one through three, you should lose weight without any additional effort!  Every pound you lose decreases your chances of getting diabetes.  In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, losing just seven percent of your body weight can reduce your risk of diabetes by up to 60%!


If you are following steps one through four, you are well on your way to making healthy choices.  There are many other things you can do as well!

  • Make sure you talk to your health care provider about getting screened for diabetes.
  • Take advantage of screenings being offered in your community.  HealthLink offers free or low cost screenings on a regular basis.
  • Skip fad diets, as they typically don’t work.  Visit MyPlate.gov to get a personalized diet and other suggestions to help you stay on track with making healthy choices.
  • Try adding more fish to your diet.  Not a fan of that ‘fishy’ taste?  Jamie Oliver, Ted Talks Award winner and author of Food Revolution, says if you buy the right kind of fish, it will not be fishy at all.  Talk to the seafood department where you shop to find out what days their fish is delivered so you can buy the freshest fish possible.  Also, try seasoning your fish not only with lemon juice, but with lemon zest and garlic.  If you are adventurous, try lime or orange juice and zest as well.

For more information, contact HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120.  You can e-mail us at healthlink@nlh.org, see our website at nlh.org, or visit our wellness center at 213 Harrison Street Ext. in Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.

2013 Annual Report Video

You may have seen our 2013 Report to the Community distributed in local papers, watch here to see the video!

Littauer welcomes Certified Nurse Midwife Julie Tesi to their Women’s Health staff

GLOVERSVILLE – Littauer Women’s Health welcomes Certified Nurse Midwife Julie Tesi to the Littauer Family of Health Services. Tesi is bringing her expertise in women’s health to Littauer’s Primary & Specialty Care Centers in Gloversville and Perth, as well as to The Birthing Center at Littauer.


“I’m really excited to be working at Littauer” Tesi said. “I have a special connection to this place. I did my clinical training here, my internship, I know many of the patients, and enjoy working with the staff.”


Tesi has worked closely with Certified Nurse Midwife Joanne Pepe who has brought thousands of local children into the world, and will continue on with the practice, as well as working together with all other professionals in Littauer’s Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Tesi is a local practioner who grew up in Gloversville, played soccer at Gloversville High School, and attended Fulton-Montgomery Community College where she got her Associate of Applied Science in Nursing. She attained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Chamberlain University, and her 11032014_julie_tesi from SUNY Stony Brook School of Nursing. A lifelong supporter of the area, Tesi lives in Johnstown and is the mother of four children.


“I believe women need to be made aware of all the health care choices they have available” Tesi added. “I feel it is my responsibility to empower women with these choices. It is that important to me.”


Tesi will be assuming retiring midwife Joann Pepe’s patient roster. Pepe was one of Littauer’s most trusted and sought-after midwives. She is responsible for bringing an estimated 2000 babies into the world and treasures every experience. She explains that each was “so meaningful, so special” adding it was, “Such a remarkable time to be with families.”


“Julie will be the perfect fit to follow-up with my patients” said Pepe. “As a student, she impressed me from the get-go. She has such a nice way, she talks, she listens – she is so knowledgeable and she conveys it so easily.”


Pepe pointed out that Tesi is well prepared for her role, as she started out as a Registered Nurse, has had experience with Medical-Surgical, Oncology and Maternity units. “She is still young, but she is not a kid. She is an experienced labor nurse, and a responsible mother of four.”


Pepe said she expects Tesi to have a long and fabulous career at Littauer as a midwife. “She has a gift to share with our patients.”

Julie Tesi is accepting new patients, and can be reached at Gloversville Women’s Health at (518) 775-4360 on Mondays and Wednesdays or at Perth Women’s Health at (518) 883-8634 on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Friends of the Gloversville Public Library celebrate with Littauer’s Birthing Center

GLOVERSVILLE – In celebration of National Friends of Libraries Week, Oct. 19 through 25, 2014, Friends of the Gloversville Public Library presented the first baby born this week at The Birthing Center at Nathan Littauer Hospital with a basket of books and gifts.

Maya Michelle Claus was born on Sunday, Oct. 19 at 6:37 a.m., making her the gift recipient. She is the daughter of Jordan and Telisa Claus of St. Johnsville. She joins a sister Ava.

Presenter Nancy Krawczeski, Vice President Friends of the Gloversville Public Library, said the organization does this annually during National Friends of Libraries Week for the first baby born at Littauer.

“We really enjoy doing this” Krawczeski said. “We hope these books will encourage a love or reading in the child and they will choose to visit our library” she added.

The gift is made available through backing provided by the groups fundraising efforts. Friends of the Gloversville Public Library Director Barbara Reppenhagen were also a presenter of the basket to the Claus family.


Jordan and Telisa Claus of St. Johnsville with their new born daughter Maya are the recipients of the Friends of the Gloversville Public Library gift basket at Littauer’s Birthing Center during National Friends of Libraries Week.


Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home goes mobile

GLOVERSVILLE – Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home has recently introduced their mobile responsive website, allowing for the latest Littauer information and updates to available in the palm of your hands.

“Our website can be easily searched form any mobile device from a cell phone to a notebook, IPad, or PC” said Cheryl McGrattan, Littauer’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “Information can be easily processed with simply a swipe to the department you are interested in.”

“We have always been early adapters’ technology whether it is in our diagnostic department or in our communication tools” McGrattan added.

The community is encouraged to engage the new responsive site. Please go to www.nlh.org.NLH goes mobile_jpeg