Wellness Words June 2014

Wellness Words June 2014

HealthLink Littauer’s


Submitted by Wendy Chirieleison, MS Ed Community Health Educator

Take Time Out For Yourself & Enjoy This Summer!

It’s summertime and you are looking forward to all that is in store for you – going to lunch with friends that you haven’t seen in a while, going to parties, taking a family vacation, and completing projects that you have been meaning to work on.

Summer begins with a very relaxed vibe and you say to yourself, I have “all summer” to do these things.  The next thing you know, half of the summer has slipped away and you have accomplished nothing that you had intended to do.  Then you feel rushed to fit everything into the last few weeks of summer that remain.  It’s important to have balance in our lives – so this summer, make a pledge to clear your calendar and take some time out to have fun with friends and family.

Taking time for ourselves helps us to change our perspective on things, gives us time to replenish our energy, and gain a sense of peace and serenity.  When we don’t take time for ourselves, we often feel burdened by the tasks we have to complete, frustrated, stressed, and wishing that there was more time in the day.

Make sure you schedule some time for yourself to simply enjoy the summer.  Sit outside and watch the clouds roll by, get lost in a good book, go to the movies or better yet – the drive-in, or take a class to learn a new hobby or skill.

There are many resources in the area that you can take advantage of.  Enjoy local produce and merchandise at farmers markets, go to an outdoor concert in the park, or visit a museum.

Since the weather is so nice, get outside as much as you can.  Go for a walk each night or every morning, appreciate the flowers in your garden, listen to birds chirp, and take in the sunshine.

Revel in the nature that is all around us!  Go to one of the 44 lakes in the Adirondacks and watch the geese, ducks, rabbits, and other wildlife.  Take a hike or make use of our nature trails!

Right now you might be thinking, how is it possible to take time for myself when I am so busy?  Carving time out of your schedule for yourself is not as hard as it may seem, if you follow some of these suggestions:

  • Practice good time management skills:  Plan quiet time for yourself and time for social events.
  • Learn to say NO more often:  You don’t have to commit to everything
  • Ask for help:  No one says that YOU have to do it all.
  • Do not feel guilty or think that you are being selfish by scheduling time for yourself!

You will be able to return to your day to day tasks with a better outlook, greater energy, and more commitment when you know that you can treat yourself to some special moments this summer.

For more information, contact HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120.  You can e-mail us at healthlink@nlh.org, see our website at nlh.org, or visit our wellness center at 213 Harrison   Street Ext. in Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.

Nathan Littauer’s spine surgery featured on WNYT

The media frequently cover the innovations occurring at Nathan Littauer Hospital.

The media frequently cover the innovations occurring at Nathan Littauer Hospital.

Recently, Nathan Littauer hosted health reporter and Anchor, Benita Zahn of WNYT New Channel 13 for a spine surgery. She came to cover some of the innovative approaches we employ to alleviate back pain under Dr. Jain Shen. Benita interviewed the patient BZ 2before his surgery and ultimately went into the OR suite to film a robotic- assisted surgery. The patient did very well and her story can be found here:




Cutting-edge surgery tech aids patients

Dr. Shen regularly performs ground breaking surgery at our surgical center.

Cutting-edge surgery tech aids patients

September 21, 2013
By ARTHUR CLEVELAND , The Leader Herald

GLOVERSVILLE – Nathan Littauer Hospital announced Friday it is performing robotics-assisted spinal surgeries thanks to new equipment and the talents of a surgeon, Dr. Jian Shen.

At a news conference Friday, Laurence E. Kelly, president and CEO of Nathan Littauer Hospital, said multiple  robot-assisted spinal surgeries have been performed at the hospital since the first one was done in?July.

One patient, Sarah White, 27, of Saratoga County had surgery Aug. 6 to repair damage to her spine from a June 2012 car accident.

Article Photos

Dr. Jian Shen, an orthopedic surgeon, looks on as spine surgery patient and Saratoga County resident Sarah White speaks about her surgery during a news conference Friday at Nathan?Littauer Hospital in Gloversville. The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan

White suffered two fractures in her spine, near the lower back. White said prior to the surgery, she went through physical therapy, which worked for a time. She was forced to take painkillers to manage the pain until a doctor suggested she speak with Shen about possibly having surgery.

Since the operation, White has gone back to work and is living a healthy life.

“It is amazing. I can do a lot more than I could six weeks ago, and I’m back to work [since Monday,]” White said. “I can get through the workday with no problems. I’m going for walks again, I’m going to start exercising again; it’s [had] a big effect.”

Shen, an orthopedic surgeon at both Nathan Littauer and St. Mary’s Healthcare in Amsterdam, was happy to see the program be instituted at Nathan Littauer.

“This is very exciting technology,” Shen said.

The Renaissance robotic spine surgery guidance system, which was acquired by both hospitals recently, allows for precise and minimally invasive surgery.

Before entering the operating room, surgeons can use Renaissance to actually pre-plan the most optimal surgery on a 3D simulation of the patient’s spine.

During surgery, the system guides the surgeon’s hands and tools to the precise, pre-planned locations along the spine.

Potential benefits for patients include reduced blood loss, fewer complications, fewer revisions, faster recovery, reduced procedure time and reduced exposure to radiation.

With less tissue damage done during the operation, it allows for quicker recovery time than surgery by hand.

So far, Shen said, there have been no infections from this program.

“So far, we have [had] success after success,” Shen said.

U.S. Rep. Bill Owens said in a statement this program could bring investment to the local community.

“For well over a century, residents of Fulton County have relied upon Nathan Littauer for patient-centric care, and today’s announcement clearly demonstrates that focus leading into the future,” Owens said in the statement Friday.


Trust Wins Star For Rural Hospital

First printed in Orthopedics Weekly

Biloine W. Young • Wed, December 4th, 2013

How did a 78 bed rural hospital in an economically depressed region of upstate New York end up with a world-class spinal surgeon? The answer lies in the power of human relationships to influence career decisions, the willingness of a hospital administrator and board to invest in equipment for a surgeon who was a continent away and the skills of a Beijing-born doctor, a former molecular biologist, who was just beginning his career as an orthopedic surgeon.

The story began when two orthopedic surgeons approached Lawrence E. Kelly, president and CEO of the Nathan Littauer Hospital in Gloversville. New York. They wanted to increase the coverage in orthopedics they were providing the hospital. To do that they needed a third partner—a spinal surgeon.

“Great,” Kelly replied. He arranged for the hospital to fund the search and cover the recruitment costs and assigned a staff person to handle the paper work. When the search firm told them about Dr. Jian Shen, a 42-year-old former molecular biologist who was finishing up a residency in orthopedics in North Carolina, they all flew down to meet him.

WMAC’s Alan Chartock

Something significant happened at that face-to-face meeting. The two upstate New York orthopedists and the hospital administrator found they really liked this novice surgeon. They flew him up to Gloversville to take a look at their hospital and the surrounding Adirondacks. He promised to come but he could not begin work for a year because he had agreed to serve a year-long fellowship in San Francisco.

As Kelly explained, “It was a personal connection that we made. We all hit it off. There was trust there.” Kelly told Shen, “When you get here our commitment to you is we will do everything that is possible to be done to make sure you are a successful spine surgeon.”

Kelly was in constant contact with Shen during Shen’s year in San Francisco. Kelly wanted to know what Shen was learning, what equipment he was using there that he would need in Gloversville. As Kelly explained, “We did not wait until he got here to buy a bunch of stuff for him. We bought it before he came, anticipating his arrival.”

Looking back on that year Kelly remembers, “We were a small community hospital that was buying all of this equipment for a surgeon who was still 3.000 miles away. The only assurance we had that he would come was his name on a piece of paper. There was a lot of trust involved.”

The hospital had also promised Shen that it would have spine patients waiting for him when he arrived. To help fulfill that promise prior to Shen’s arrival the hospital put large “Spine Rejoice” billboards on the highway. The local Northeast Public Radio station WAMC featured Shen on a call-in program and WAMC’s CEO, local celebrity Alan Chartock, had his bad back successfully treated by Shen. Shen had patients waiting for him from the first week of his arrival.

Kelly remembers when Shen returned from a medical conference with information about the Mazor Robotic System. He explained to Kelly that, with this system, he could improve the accuracy of his surgery and shorten the recovery time for his patients.

For Kelly, the administrator, “It was a hard one to swallow, but we invested. In a big place it would take me a year to get something like that. Here it took three weeks.” Shen, too, noted, “At a major medical center I would be a nobody. I could say, ‘get me a robot’ and it might happen in a year. Here I got it in a week.” As Kelly put it, “The trustees went out on a limb with my recommendation to invest that way and it has worked out for everyone.” Each hospital has invested about $1.75 million in robotic and other specialized equipment for Shen.

What attracted Shen to Gloversville? He said it was very important to him to serve in an under-served area. While the two hospitals where he works are rural, they are on the edge of the capitol area of New York with more than a million population. Shen also credits the hospitals and operative room staffs. “We really get along well,” he said. “We have been on the same page from the beginning.”

Shen performs the full spectrum of minimally invasive spine surgery thus minimizing damage to soft tissue. Two years and 1,500 patients later he has had no major complications and an infection rate of zero. He says, “Half of my patients leave the hospital from the recovery room, they do not need to be admitted.” He has performed several surgical firsts in the region, including the first robot-assisted spine surgery, and two surgical firsts in the United States.

Shen’s goal is to create a “minimally invasive spine surgery destination” in upstate New York. Patients are already coming to Shen from New England and from states such as Texas and Florida. The waiting time to see Shen is now weeks long. He is looking for a partner and interested parties can contact him or the hospital by email at spines@nlh.org. “It is getting so busy that I cannot handle it all by myself,” he said.

Cheryl McGrattan, vice-president for marketing, communication and community relations for the Gloversville hospital, says the surgery department is now a crowded place with representatives from medical device companies and other surgeons—including some of Shen’s own medical school professors—coming to watch him perform surgery. “It is very exciting for us to have this going on,” she said.

Shen lives with his wife Wencui and their seven-year-old daughter in Loudonville, New York. He is a graduate of Weill Cornell University Medical College.

Wellness Words May 2014

HealthLink Littauer’s


Submitted by Wendy Chirieleison, MS Ed

Community Health Educator


Do You Know The Signs Of A Stroke?  Think F.A.S.T.!

May is Stroke Awareness Month, the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association’s annual campaign to increase awareness that a stroke is something largely preventable if you know and act upon the risks and warning signs.  Stroke is the number four cause of death and leading cause of disability in the U.S.  Many Americans don’t think of stroke as a major health concern, even though every forty seconds someone in America has a stroke.

Thinking F.A.S.T. can mean the difference between recovery and disability, or even death!  A stroke happens when a blood vessel is blocked or bursts and blood flow to the brain is stopped.  Within just a few minutes of a stroke, brain cells begin to die.  F.A.S.T. is an acronym used to help people remember and recognize the signs of a stroke.

F – Face Drooping:  The face seems uneven and the person has a hard time smiling.

A – Arm Weakness:  One arm drifts down or they have difficulty raising both arms.

S – Speech Difficulty:  The person’s speech sounds strange or they have difficulty repeating a simple phrase like “the sky is blue.”

T – Time:  If you notice any of these signs, call 911 immediately!

Additional signs of a stroke include sudden severe headache with no known cause;  sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination;  sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes;  or sudden confusion or trouble understanding.

“Knowing if you are at risk for stroke is highly important, because many risk factors can be modified and controlled,” said Jeffrey L. Saver M.D., professor of Neurology and Director of the Comprehensive Stroke Center at the University of California Los Angeles.  Dr. Saver reports that the number one stroke risk factor is high blood pressure.  Make sure you know your numbers, check your blood pressure regularly, and talk to your doctor about your progress.

According to the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Control Program, there are several other risk factors for stroke including obesity, even being 20 pounds overweight can increase your risk of stroke significantly;  diabetes that is not controlled with medication or a proper diet;  and smoking, which increases your risk of having a stroke two to three times greater than a non-smoker.

There are other things that you can do to help prevent a stroke.  Check your cholesterol.  If your total cholesterol is over 200, this puts you at risk for a stroke.  Talk to your doctor about diet and exercise changes you can make to lower your cholesterol.  Limit alcohol to small amounts, exercise every day for 30-60 minutes, and eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while limiting salt and foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Remember that a stroke is preventable!  Knowing if you are at risk and taking the proper steps to avoid having a stroke is important.  To learn more about stroke prevention – including diet, the stroke risk factor quiz, or to download the F.A.S.T. mobile app – visit the American Stroke Association website at www.strokeassociation.org or call 1-888-478-7653.

For more information, contact HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120.  You can e-mail us at healthlink@nlh.org, see our website at nlh.org, or visit our wellness center at 213 Harrison   Street Ext. in Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.