Wellness Words July 2013

Wellness Words July 2013

HealthLink Littauer’s


Submitted by Carol Tomlinson, RN BS

Community Health Educator


Tips For Staying Fit On Vacation

‘Travel can be broadening’ in more than one way, unfortunately.  To help avoid returning home less physically fit with extra pounds around your waistline, here are some important tips to remember from HealthLink’s Community Health Educator, Carol Tomlinson R.N. B.S.

1)  It’s easier to stay at your current weight and fitness level than it is to try to get back in shape and lose extra weight.

2)  The temptation to overeat or to eat high-fat foods can be avoided with simple guidelines such as:

  • Ask about portion size…if it’s more than you normally eat, request that a portion of the meal be packaged for takeout before you are served.
  • If your meal comes with a mound of french fries, cheese or other high-fat foods, don’t be afraid to request a healthier substitute.
  • Snack on fruits and vegetables instead of potato chips and candy.
  • Ask that meat dishes be lean and well-trimmed.
  • To save calories, order a cup of soup instead of a bowl.
  • Make the appetizer the main course or split the main course between 2 people.
  • Don’t forget you still need 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.  Try ordering vegetable pizza, pasta or try a veggie-wrap.  You might even ask that the vegetable portion be doubled and the meat portion be cut in half.
  • Quench your thirst during the day with water.

3)  Help control your weight and muscle tone with 30 minutes of physical activity every day.  Some ideas for including exercise in your trip are:

  • Start your day with a 30 minute walk to see the sights.  You will enjoy the health benefits and it will give you time to relax and plan for the day.
  • Walking tours are a good alternative and will let you experience more of the local culture than if you were riding in a bus or car.
  • Plan to take short breaks during the day.  Instead of sitting in a rest area, take a brief walk before getting back into the car or bus.

REMEMBER…vacations should be fun not work!  Don’t push yourself to do more than you can accomplish comfortably in a day.  If you become overtired, it will tempt you to eat more and be less physically active.

For more information, contact HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120.  You can e-mail us at healthlink@nlh.org, see our website at www.nlh.org, or visit our wellness center at 213 Harrison Street Ext. in Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.

Nathan Littauer robotic acquisition makes The Wall Street Journal

As reported by the Wall Street Journal June 27, 2013

Nathan Littauer Hospital Acquires Mazor Robotics’ Renaissance System

  • CAESAREA, Israel–(BUSINESS WIRE)–June 27, 2013–

Mazor Robotics Ltd. (TASE: MZOR; NASDAQCM: MZOR), a developer of innovative surgical robots and complementary products, today announced that Nathan Littauer Hospital, located in Gloversville, NY, has purchased its first Renaissance system. Nathan Littauer provides the finest in state-of-the-art technology and a caring, dedicated staff of health care professionals to the residents of Fulton County (NY) and the surrounding communities. Nathan Littauer, as an independent community hospital has a history of being an early adopter of new, therapeutic technologies.

“Littauer’s experience in minimally invasive surgery under Dr. Jian Shen just made history by acquiring this new technology for our grateful community.” stated Laurence E. Kelly Nathan Littauer Hospital’s President and CEO. “Dr. Shen has performed many ground-breaking surgeries at Nathan Littauer. This system is a tool in our minimally-invasive arsenal created for patients who suffer from debilitating spine pain. However, it is our team, with Dr. Shen at the helm that makes Littauer unique.”

“This is another key endorsement of our Renaissance system and further reflects the continued momentum we are experiencing in the northeastern U.S. market,” commented Ori Hadomi, Chief Executive Officer. “Within just the past few days we have installed our first two systems in New York, so we will be entering the second half of 2013 with momentum and a wider installed footprint in the northeastern U.S. This is an encouraging development, and it clearly demonstrates, both from a clinical and an economic proposition, that surgeons and hospital administrators are seeing the advantages of using our Renaissance systems.”

Dr. Jian Shen, who will be performing the surgeries, agreed stating, “I am pleased to bring this minimally invasive surgical approach to Nathan Littauer Hospital and the Upstate New York region. “Ultimately it is the patient who will benefit. Time and time again, that is where my focus lies — to create outstanding outcomes for my patients.”

Renaissance, Mazor Robotics’ next generation surgical guidance system for spine procedures, is transforming spine surgery from freehand operations to highly-accurate, state-of-the-art guided procedures that raise the standard of care with better clinical results. Renaissance system has been used to perform thousands of procedures worldwide (with over 35,000 implants placed in those procedures) in a wide variety of spinal procedures, many of which would not have been attempted without this technology.

About Mazor

Mazor Robotics (TASE: MZOR; NASDAQCM: MZOR) is dedicated to the development and marketing of innovative surgical robots and complementary products that provide a safer surgical environment for patients, surgeons, and operating room staff. Mazor Robotics’ flagship product, Renaissance(TM), is a state-of-the-art surgical robotic system that enables surgeons to conduct spine surgeries in an accurate and secure manner. Mazor Robotics systems have been successfully used in the placement of over 35,000 implants in the United States and Europe. Numerous peer-reviewed publications and presentations at leading scientific conferences have validated the accuracy, usability, and clinical advantages of Mazor Robotics technology. For more information, please visit www.mazorrobotics.com.

About Nathan Littauer

Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home is a full-service, 74 bed acute care hospital with an 84 bed skilled nursing home. For 118 years, Nathan Littauer has provided safe, high-quality health and wellness services with a focus on securing appropriate new technologies for people residing in Upstate New York. Over the years, the hospital has expanded its services in order to offer health care that is comprehensive, accessible, and relevant to the needs of the communities they serve.


Robotic Spine Surgery: The Future Is Here

As reported by WAMC Northeast Public Radio, Monday July 15, 2013


Credit Nathan Littauer Hospital
Some of the Littauer Surgical Team, pictured with Dr. Shen and the new technology.


A small Fulton County Hospital is on its way to becoming a major destination for patients in need of back surgery.

Nathan Littauer Hospital in Gloversville has purchased and received its first Renaissance Robotic System, a groundbreaking technology offering new hope for patients suffering from debilitating spine pain.

Renaissance is the only FDA approved surgical guidance system for spine surgeries, which will be performed by Dr. Jian Shen, who is responsible for bringing the technology to Gloversville.

One of Dr. Shen’s patients, WAMC President and CEO Alan Chartock,went under the knife on a Monday and back to work early Tuesday morning. Chartock says Dr. Shen is looking to find and train an associate to assist him in performing spine surgery.  

Read more…

Nathan Littauer Hospital Acquires Mazor Robotics’ Renaissance System

 “The future has arrived”

Nathan Littauer Hospital has purchased and received its first Renaissance Robotic System. MZOR, a developer of innovative surgical robots and complementary products, delivered the system to an eager staff yesterday afternoon. Nathan Littauer provides the finest in state-of-the-art technology and a caring, dedicated staff of health care professionals to the residents of Fulton County and the surrounding communities. Nathan Littauer, as an independent community hospital has a history of being an early adopter of new, therapeutic technologies.

“Littauer’s experience in minimally invasive surgery under Dr. Jian Shen just made history by acquiring this new technology for our grateful community.” stated Laurence E. Kelly Nathan Littauer Hospital’s President and CEO. He explained, “Dr. Shen has performed many ground-breaking surgeries at Nathan Littauer.” He states, “This system is a tool in our minimally-invasive arsenal created for patients who suffer from debilitating spine pain. However, it is our team, with Dr. Shen at the helm that makes Littauer unique.” He concluded, “The future has arrived.”

“This is another key endorsement of our Renaissance system and further reflects the continued momentum we are experiencing in the northeastern U.S. market,” commented Ori Hadomi, Chief Executive Officer. “Within just the past few days we have installed our first two systems in New York, so we will be entering the second half of 2013 with momentum and a wider installed footprint in the northeastern U.S. This is an encouraging development, and it clearly demonstrates, both from a clinical and an economic proposition, that surgeons and hospital administrators are seeing the advantages of using our Renaissance systems.”

Cheryl McGrattan, Hospital Spokesperson notes, “Renaissance, which is the only FDA approved surgical guidance system for spine surgeries, has already proven to be highly effective and safe, with an efficacy rate near 99%.” She added, “Naturally, we wanted to leverage its advanced capabilities with the expertise of our leading orthopedic team to offer better and safer patient outcomes.”

Dr. Jian Shen, who will be performing the surgeries, agreed stating, “I am pleased to bring this minimally invasive surgical approach to Nathan Littauer Hospital and the Upstate New York region.” He added, “Ultimately it is the patient who will benefit. Time and time again, that is where my focus lies – to create outstanding outcomes for my patients.”

Wellness Words June 2013

HealthLink Littauer’s


Submitted by Wendy Chirieleison, MS Ed

Community Health Educator




Headaches…we’ve all had them – a pain or discomfort in the head, scalp or neck.  According to MedLine Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, serious causes of headaches are very rare, and most people with headaches can feel much better by making lifestyle changes, learning ways to relax, and sometimes by taking medications.


 Tension headaches are the most common and are likely caused by tight muscles in your shoulders, neck, scalp and jaw.  They may be related to stress, depression, anxiety, a head injury, or holding your head and neck in an abnormal position.  Tension headaches tend to be on both sides of your head.  They often start at the back of your head and spread forward.  The pain may feel dull or squeezing, like a tight band or vice.  Your shoulders, neck or jaw may feel tight or sore.

Migraine headaches are severe and usually occur with other symptoms, such as vision changes or nausea.  The pain may be throbbing, pounding or pulsating.  It tends to begin on one side of your head, although it may spread to both sides.  You may have an “aura” (a group of warning symptoms that start before your headache).  The pain usually gets worse as you try to move around.  These headaches may be triggered by foods such as chocolate, certain cheeses, or MSG.  Caffeine withdrawal, lack of sleep, and alcohol may also trigger them.

Rebound headaches keep coming back and may occur from overuse of painkillers.  These may also be called medication overuse headaches.  Patients who take pain medication more than three days a week on a regular basis can develop this type of headache.

Cluster headaches are sharp, very painful headaches that tend to occur several times a day for months, then go away for a similar period of time.

Sinus headaches cause pain in the front of your head and face.  They are due to swelling in the sinus passages behind the cheeks, nose and eyes.  The pain tends to be worse when you bend forward and when you first wake up in the morning.

Headaches may occur if you have a cold, the flu, a fever or premenstrual syndrome.  A swollen, inflamed artery (which supplies blood to part of the head, temple and neck area) can occur with a disorder called temporal arteritis.  Rarely, a headache may be a sign of a more serious cause.


If your doctor has already told you what type of headache you have, there are many things you can do to manage headaches at home. Your doctor may have already prescribed medicines to treat your type of headache.

Keep a headache diary to help find the source or trigger of your symptoms.  Then change your environment or habits to avoid future headaches.  When a headache occurs, write down:

  • The date and time the headache began
  • What you ate for the past 24 hours
  • How long you slept the night before
  • What you were doing and thinking about just before the headache started
  • Any stress in your life
  • How long the headache lasted
  • What you did to make it stop

Try acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen for tension headaches.  Do NOT give aspirin to children because of the risk of Reye syndrome.  Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, or any other blood thinners if there is a chance that you might have bleeding in your head (from a subdural hematoma, aneurysm or other injury). Talk to your doctor if you are taking pain medicines three or more days a week.


You should talk to your doctor about your headaches if they become frequent or debilitating, if they interfere with your daily activities, if you are taking excessive over the counter medications to help you, or if you see a sudden change in the frequency, severity, or pattern of your headaches.

Some headaches may be a sign of a more serious illness.  Anyone who has these danger signs should seek medical help immediately:

  • This is the first headache you have ever had in your life and it interferes with your daily activities.
  • Your headache comes on suddenly and is explosive or violent.
  • You would describe your headache as “your worst ever,” even if you regularly get headaches.
  • You also have slurred speech, a change in vision, problems moving your arms or legs, loss of balance, confusion, or memory loss with your headache.
  • Your headache gets worse over a 24-hour period.
  • You also have a fever, stiff neck, nausea and vomiting with your headache.
  • Your headache occurs with a head injury.
  • Your headache is severe and just in one eye, with redness in that eye.
  • You are over age 50 and your headaches just began, especially if you also have vision problems and pain while chewing.
  • You have cancer and develop a new headache.

For more information, contact HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120.  You can e-mail us at healthlink@nlh.org, see our website at www.nlh.org, or visit our wellness center at 213 Harrison Street Ext. in Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.