Littauer gears up for an active tick season Posted on April 10, 2013April 10, 2013 by Dakota Pike “Hospital aims to reduce tick-borne illnesses” Nathan Littauer gets the word out about ticks.“The snow is still on the ground I have already found three ticks –one engorged on my puppy.” stated Hospital Spokesperson Cheryl McGrattan. And she is not alone. According to staff working at Littauer’s Perth Primary Care Center, local residents are already asking about tick bites. While the area braces for another busy tick season, Nathan Littauer is getting people ready with some tools needed to fend off Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. While the message is still “get outside”, the hospital is helping people enjoy the Adirondacks safely. The hospital has partnered with the one of the most astute resource groups in the US, The Tick Encounter Center out of Rhode Island. “Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home is proud to partner with the TickEncounter Resource Center. We have combined our resources to provide our neighbors and visitors with the most reliable strategies for preventing tick bites and tick-transmitted diseases.” explained Cheryl McGrattan. Last year, the hospital brought a world-renowned tick expert to the region. Thomas Mather, PhD appeared in sold-out town hall meetings. Continuing on that momentum, the hospital has launched a multi-media program aimed at preventing tick bites in the first place. The hospital has launched a new “Got ticks?” widget which can be found on the home page of The hospital has tools in place for this tick season.The hospital has launched a “tick widget” on their home page. The widget brings the surfer to a micro site complete with identification resources, video and additional information related to the prevention of tick bites. It also explains the “Top ten things to know about ticks”. Cheryl McGrattan explains, “So now if someone finds a tick they can literally log onto to and identify the type of tick.” Only deer ticks are known to transmit Lyme disease. “We are no stranger to the outdoors.” stated Laurence E. Kelly, Hospital President and CEO. “As a full-service hospital located at the foothills of the Adirondacks, we are also no stranger to ticks. That is why we have launched a comprehensive community education program with TickEncounter to safeguard our residents and our region’s visitors. Our provider’s share our message of tick bite prevention.” The hospital gift shop is also selling Sawyer premium permethrin spray. The spray is recommended by Dr. Mather as one of the best defenses against tick bites, “As a treatment for clothing, Permethrin clothing insect repellent does not harm fabrics and is odorless after dried. Use Permethrin on clothing by itself or with skin-applied repellents to create the ultimate protective, armor-like insect barrier. Permethrin-treatments on clothing are non-toxic to humans and are registered for use by the U.S. EPA.”The hospital is also distributing shower tick cards for free to local camp grounds and summer camps. The shower cards show the areas of the body to check for tick bites and it also contains tick identification images. “It is important that we encourage people to look for ticks on their skin daily as it typically takes 24 hours for the tick to pass on anything threatening.” stated Dr. McBiles, Chief of Staff at Littauer. Summer camp counselors are encouraged to get a shower card by emailing the hospital at The hospital will also be using their powerful social media channels to inform the public about the importance of tick-bite prevention. Lastly, the hospital also has resources now available to providers in the Emergency Center for quick and more accurate tick identification. Dr. McBiles, Chief of Staff at Littauer explains, “We want people to enjoy all this region has to offer. And ticks should not prevent anyone from enjoying the outdoors. But we also want to be a resource to anyone who is striving to be tick-bite free.” XXX To find our tick widget, log onto In the right hand corner is a button with the image of a tick and the words, “Got ticks?” Community organizations like summer camps and campgrounds can email a request for a Tick Shower Card to the hospital at
For 25 years Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Lifeline program has touched the lives of seniors Posted on April 9, 2013April 9, 2013 by Dakota PikeProgram provides independence with help at the push of the button Maggie Luck holds a Lifeline button. Littauer’s Lifeline program is 25 years old. Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Lifeline program has reached a major milestone this year. The medical alert program, managed out of the hospital is celebrating 25 years of service to seniors in our region. Laurence E. Kelly Littauer’s President and CEO stated, “Lifeline is one of those programs Nathan Littauer provides that some people don’t know about. Yet Lifeline greatly impacts the quality of life for thousands of local people.” Littauer’s Lifeline is a medical alert system designed to reduce the risk of living alone. In the event of a fall or emergency, help is available at the push of a button. Since 1988, the LifeLine Littauer program has grown to over 500 subscribers serving thousands of people. Under the leadership and vision of Margaret Luck, Lifeline’s Director since its inception the program is credited with helping countless people. Mr. Kelly explained, “Maggie has been a tireless advocate for this program personally touching the lives of people throughout this region.” He added, “Not only is she passionate about elders and their independence, she has made it her life’s work to bring needed services to people in their homes.” Lifeline provides help at the press of a buttonLifeline offers people, usually senior, but some with other medical conditions, the confidence to continue to live independently at home. Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Lifeline Program serves people in the Fulton, Montgomery, Hamilton County, and bordering communities in Herkimer and Saratoga Counties.“We are proud to have touched the lives of seniors.” said Maggie Luck, adding, “By offering Lifeline, we give seniors in our community a meaningful and needed service, allowing them to have the confidence to continue to live in the homes they love, knowing that help is available at a push of a button.” And Littauer subscribers agree, in a past survey program participants were asked what Lifeline meant to them and some responded, “Lifeline is so special, as I used to fall a lot. I walk slowly and watch every I step, but I feel safe with my Lifeline as I can get help when I need it. I will be 87 next month and I am still living at home. ” Another wrote, “It also means my husband can do things or go places and I do not have to feel guilty. It gives him and I freedom. I am not afraid of being alone.” Maggie Luck observed, “So many people cherish their independence. I am proud to help people live with dignity. So many family members- daughters and sons have increased peace of mind knowing that Lifeline can be there when they cannot. ” Lifeline operates out of Nathan Littauer Hospital On average, one of every three adults over age 65 falls each year, making falls the most common cause of death or injury in the home – causing real concern for seniors and their caregivers. Lifeline is able to provide seniors with help at the push of a button which can make a significant difference in survival and recovery. Ms. Luck concludes, “Thousands of local people have stated, ‘My Lifeline makes me feel safe.’ That is a good legacy to have.”
Littauer Announces Weight Loss Challenge Winners Posted on April 2, 2013 by Dakota PikeNathan Littauer Hospital employees recently completed an eight-week weight loss competition. Over 88 people started and 48 people weighed- in on the final day last week. The friendly competition- aimed at getting fit for spring, was based on total body weight percentages. The total weight loss was 346 pounds. The hospital’s nutrition team managed the program. The results are as follows:OVERALL “Biggest Loser”: 1st Place: Dr. Peter Dowling 2nd Place: Bruce Jones 3rd Place: Veronica ThomasTop 3 Males: 1st Dr. Peter Dowling 2nd Bruce Jones 3rd Chris Hughes Top 3 Females: 1st Veronica Thomas 2nd Carol SILVEIRA 3rd Rachel Johnson
Littauer Announces Employee of the Year Posted on April 1, 2013April 1, 2013 by Dakota PikeOur Employee of the Year! Jackie Ruggeri Jackie Ruggeri’s day changed completely when Littauer’s President and CEO, Laurence Kelly announced to over 100 of her colleagues that she was Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Employee of the Year. Jackie explains that moment as “Overwhelming.”Jackie Ruggeri works in Littauer’s Department of Care Coordination as a Care Coordination Assistant. Jackie has been with Littauer for over 10 years. One of her colleagues stated, “Whether it is contacting insurance companies to payroll to copying a chart, she does it with grace and effortlessness. When dealing with insurance companies on a daily basis she represents herself and the facility in an exceptionally professional manner.” Known for her good attitude, her manager explained, “Jackie is the embodiment of a great attitude. She inspires everyone around her with her dedication and caring. She is very well organized, diligent in her work, easily reachable and always on time.” One of our nurses explained, “She is a quiet hero. She is in the trenches everyday; ensuring loose ends are tied up and safety nets are in place for our patients.”Jackie receives the award from CEO, Laurence E. Kelly.Mr. Kelly agreed noting, “Jackie certainly deserves our thanks and appreciation.” Many people gathered at the celebration undoubtedly agreed as they clapped and cheered when her name was read. Jackie upon learning of the award stated, “It is an honor to receive this award!”“Jackie is truly someone who puts the patient first. Time-and-time again, she goes the extra mile to advocate for our patients in the complex world of medical care coverage.” stated Hospital Spokesperson Cheryl McGrattan.Jackie explained, “I want patients to know that there are many people at Littauer working behind the scenes who are looking out for their best interests. We are really a patient-centered team and I have great respect for my colleagues. That is why being nominated by fellow team members means so much to me.” Jackie responded to the award by saying, “I am honored and I feel privileged to receive this award. I love my job, co-workers and our patients. NLH is a great place to work and everyone is very friendly. ” A Johnstown native, in her spare time Jackie enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter. She also enjoys watching her daughter play sports. Honorable Mention for the Employee of the Year went to Lisa Langlois a Patient Access Representative and Danita Curtis, a Family Nurse Practitioner at Littauer’s Decker Drive Primary Care. The “Employee of the Year” is a function of the Nathan Littauer’s Goodwill Committee which promotes employees who embody the Hospital’s mission. The committee recognizes an employee per quarter and announces an Employee of the Year. With about 1000 employees the hospital receives many nominations every year. “The standard is set very high.” stated Laurence E. Kelly, Hospital President and CEO at the celebration. Adding, “This is the person we put on the pedestal.” Jackie received gift certificates, preferred parking, a plaque and a pizza party for her department, a photograph on the Hospital’s Hall of Fame.
Wellness Words March 2013 Posted on March 12, 2013 by Dakota Pike HealthLink Littauer’sWELLNESS WORDSSubmitted by Wendy Chirieleison, MS EdCommunity Health Educator Making Healthy ChangesThe little changes we make in our lives, like eating better and exercising more, can result in BIG changes in our overall health. Incorporating changes into our daily routines is not always easy. We have to remember to start out slow and focus on one thing at a time. Often the REAL challenge is learning how to make these changes “stick.”Brain FoodDr. Neal Barnard, author of “Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective Three Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory” and nutrition researcher at George Washington University, advises that there are foods we should and should not eat to help prevent disease, specifically Alzheimer’s disease. In a report on CBS News, Dr. Barnard recommends avoiding trans-fats and saturated fats, as they have been shown to increase our chances for Alzheimer’s disease by 300-500%. He suggests we eat dark berries, leafy green veggies, fruits, whole grains, beans, almonds, and other foods high in Vitamin E, as they are associated with keeping the brain healthy. Dr. Bernard also recommends getting enough sleep and 30-40 minutes of exercise three times a week.Authors Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. and Gina Kemp of also suggest that eating brightly colored fruits, leafy vegetables, fish, and nuts can increase your ability to stay focused and decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Evidence suggests that adding fish and shell fish, olive oil, nuts, whole grains, and other healthy fats, with minimal red meats to your diet, can improve brain function. The Alzheimer’s Association Research Center ( supports the idea that exercise, along with a heart-friendly diet, may have positive effects on the brain.Speaking of Exercise…Did you know that there are benefits to exercising outdoors that can not be replicated in a gym or indoor setting? According to Gretchen Reynolds, writer for the NY Times, studies have shown that exercising outdoors has many advantages including:Better workouts due to terrain changes and wind resistanceLonger workouts that occur more frequentlyIncreased vitality, enthusiasm, and pleasureDecreased depression, stress, and fatigueImproved mood, which could be related to being in the sunlightThe Sunshine VitaminIn the winter, we typically don’t get out in the sun as much as we do throughout the rest of the year. Lower levels of sun exposure means we aren’t getting as much Vitamin D as we should. According to the Mayo Clinic, aging adults are among those at risk for Vitamin D deficiencies. It is the opinion of Richard P. Huemer, M.D., that this lack of sunlight is linked to SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, which can cause weight gain, fatigue, and irritability. On the other hand, getting outdoors to exercise in winter can:Improve overall moodImprove brain functionBoost immune functionThe Mayo Clinic recommends that just ten minutes of sun exposure a day is all you need to prevent Vitamin D deficiency. The Mayo Clinic also suggests that Vitamin D may help in preventing osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer, and some auto-immune diseases.Making It Stick…One Step At A Time!Change can be difficult and overwhelming. How can we incorporate change in our lives while keep the process from becoming cumbersome? Adam Davey, Associate Professor of Public Health at Temple University in Philadelphia, suggests that taking one small step at a time can increase your willingness to take the next step. Ann Constance, Director of the Upper Peninsula Diabetes Outreach Network, supports the idea that plans for change should be:Specific, measurable, and achievableIncorporated into one’s daily routine until it becomes a habitThat you should not give up!For more information, contact HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120. You can e-mail us at, see our website at, or visit our wellness center at 213 Harrison Street Ext. in Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.