Nathan Littauer Hospital receives donation from Soroptimists towards “Core Visions” Stereotactic Equipment Posted on March 7, 2013 by Dakota PikeUnique breast-health technology will be used to help local womenPhoto from left: Laurie Agee (SIFC Club President, Deb Sidney (SIFC Club VP), Drue Wallach (Club Finance Committee Chair), Deb Finkle (NLH Foundation Chair ), Dr. McBiles, Chief of Radiology for Nathan Littauer Hospital, and Kelly Colby (NLH Development Coordinator).Representatives of the Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home and Soroptimist International of Fulton County recently met to celebrate their collaboration in bringing the newest technology, Faxitron, LLC’s Core Vision stereotactic breast biopsy equipment suite, to Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Women’s Breast Health Department. The new technology is used to help physicians in the correct diagnosis of breast cancer. “We owe a debt of gratitude to the local Soroptimist group” stated Laurence E. Kelly, Littauer’s President and CEO. He added, “Their unwavering commitment to serving the needs of women in our area should be commended.” He praised their relationship of 17 years noting, “Our team had been hoping to secure this technology for women in our area and with the help of the Fulton County Soroptomist group, this clinically advanced equipment now also has a home in Fulton County.” He said, “Ultimately, it is the women in our area that will benefit.”“Core Vision” is lauded for providing doctors with “immediate confirmation that the proper tissue sample has been removed…” and saving those patients who must undergo breast biopsies from “unnecessary delays, discomfort or stress during a biopsy.” According to Dr. Mike McBiles, Chief of Radiology for Littauer, “Simply put, our patients who are already concerned about a breast abnormality now are treated to a ‘one-stop’ approach to breast health.” According to Dr. McBiles, “We are able to get a tissue sample completed and reviewed without having to make another appointment or worse, another uncomfortable tissue donation.” He explains, “This technology is cutting edge for any region- including larger metropolitan areas. It is a real coup for our region.”The Soroptimist organization, having provided $10,000 in funding for Littauer’s first stereotactic mammography equipment in 1996, was a likely choice for Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Foundation to seek funding for the advanced technology available through the capabilities of the Core Vision stereotactic suite. As stated in the grant proposal submitted in 2012 by Susan A. Kiernan, Vice President of Development, “We know Soroptimists have particular interest in assisting underserved women. Littauer is the breast health safety net for so many women in our service area. For those requiring a biopsy, and many more do because of the accuracy of digital mammography, ‘Core vision’ is the current gold standard in breast health imaging.”After hearing from Tammy Gerdes, Senior Mammography Technologist at Littauer’s Diagnostic Imaging Department, about the benefits of the Core Vision equipment, the Soroptimist membership embraced the proposal, granting $26,250.00 toward the purchase, finding it to be significant to the medical and emotional care of women in our area and finding it invaluable to the Soroptimist mission to improve the lives of women and girls. The cost of the entire Core Vision stereotactic suite is $52,500.00.The implementation of the Core Vision equipment was recognized at a presentation of the Soroptimist donation check to the Nathan Littauer Hospital Foundation. Debra Finkle, Chair of the Nathan Littauer Foundation thanked Drue Wallach and Lisa Queeney of the Soroptimist Finance/Ways & Means Committee, for spearheading this project, as well as the entire Finance Committee. Laurie Agee, President of Soroptimist International of Fulton County, also in attendance at the check presentation, along with Vice President Deb Sidney, voiced appreciation to all Soroptimist members for their hard work in making such a valuable contribution to the hospital and to the care of women. Wallach echoed Agee, adding that Fulton County Soroptimist members have been able to contribute in this way and to this extent, not only due to the hard work of Soroptimist members but through the community support given to the Club’s many fundraising activities, especially its annual Celebrity Chef Dinner event.Dr. McBiles concluded, “As I perform a procedure using the technology, I tell my patients about the Soroptimist donation. I think it is important for women to know about their health advocacy and activism in our community.”XXX About Soroptimist International of Fulton County:Soroptimist International of Fulton County is a volunteer service organization for business and professional women from both Fulton and Montgomery counties who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in their community and throughout the world. The Fulton County Club is part of Soroptimist International of the Americas, which was founded in Oakland, California in 1921. The local chapter was chartered in 1953 and is one of over three thousand clubs in 125 countries. Soroptimist International is the only women’s organization with a voting seat on the United Nations. For more information, please contact SIFC, PO Box 168, Gloversville, NY 12078 or email: Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home:Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home is a full-service, 74 bed acute care hospital with an 84 bed skilled nursing home. Littauer provides the finest in state-of-the-art technology and a caring, dedicated staff of health care professionals. Over the years, the hospital has expanded its services in order offer health care that is comprehensive, accessible, and relevant to the needs of the communities we serve. The Littauer medical staff brings amazing technical expertise and competence to the residents of Fulton County and the surrounding communities. To learn more please visit
NATHAN LITTAUER WELCOMES GREG TRUCKENMILLER, PhD TO HOSPITAL BOARD Posted on March 7, 2013March 15, 2013 by Dakota PikeNathan Littauer Hospital announced today that Greg Truckenmiller PhD, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs at Fulton Montgomery Community College will be joining the Nathan Littauer Hospital board. He will be serving a two year term. Gregory Truckenmiller joins the NLH boardNathan Littauer’s Board President David R. Seward said, “Nathan Littauer is pleased to welcome Dr. Truckenmiller to our hospital board. Dr. Truckenmiller’s professionalism and experience will serve us well as we implement our strategic plan.” Greg Truckenmiller, PhD stated, “I am honored to join the board. Nathan Littauer Hospital is a tremendous asset to our community and I look forward to contributing to the organization’s continued success.”
LITTAUER ANNOUNCES EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER Posted on March 4, 2013 by Dakota Pike“Stephanie Boyd’s career is a service to our community”Gloversville, NY…Nathan Littauer Hospital announced their Employee of the Quarter recently in an organization-wide celebration. “This employee was nominated by a few of her peers.” stated Littauer’s President and CEO, Laurence E. Kelly. Recognized for her organization skills, warmth and attention to detail skills, Stephanie Boyd was given the high honor.Her career is a service to the hospital and to our communityStephanie Boyd works in the Nursing Administration Department as an Administrative Assistant. In all, Stephanie has been with Littauer for over 31 years. Mr. Kelly noted, “A career that spans 31 years is a service to our hospital and to the community.” Besides ongoing oversight of a busy and critical department, she is also recognized for her superior nursing protocol management which enables our nursing staff to provide quick, efficient and clinically accurate care to our patients.Stephanie receives the award from Littauer President and CEO Laurence E. Kelly.Stephanie’s family was at the ceremony when she was announced as the winner. Upon reflection she noted, “I was very surprised and honored to receive the award. I love the work I do and the people I work with.”Employee of the Quarter is a function of the Nathan Littauer Goodwill Committee. The employee-led initiative strives to improve the patient experience by recognizing outstanding employees at every level in their network. Employees receive a plaque, preferred parking and a gift certificate.
Wellness Words February 2013 Posted on February 15, 2013February 15, 2013 by Dakota Pike HealthLink Littauer’sWELLNESS WORDSSubmitted by Wendy Chirieleison, MS EdCommunity Health Educator Keep Your Heart Healthy By Maintaining Emotional Health & Well-Being!It is February, Heart Health Month, and we all know how important it is to keep our hearts healthy! We have learned different tips on keeping our blood pressure and cholesterol in check, making healthy food choices, and exercise strategies. Did you know that it is equally important to maintain good emotional health and well-being?What Does Research Tell Us?According to Cummings & Henry (1961), as people enter into late adulthood, a very typical and gradual withdrawal or disengagement from physical, social, and psychological activity occurs. People may show less interest in the world, become more reflective, and have fewer social interactions on a day-to-day basis (Quinnan 1997).Studies have been done to determine whether this disengagement has any negative effect on aging adults. While studies show that disengagement is a very normal part of aging, and sometimes a healthy occurrence, they also show that adults who remain active and involved were sometimes happier than those that had disengaged (Crosnoe & Elder 2002).What Does This Mean?Now, these findings do not suggest that you have to be busy every minute of the day. The “less is more” motto applies here, as less activity will bring yougreater enjoyment because you can focus more of your time on the activities that really matter to you.What Can We Do?According to Hutchinson & Wexler (2007), participating in the same type of activities and interests you had when you were middle-aged will help you age successfully, maintain a sense of well-being and self-esteem, and keep you satisfied with life.Consider the significance of others, such as our friends and family. Social support is the comfort that comes from people who care about us. According to Antonucci (1990), this support plays a critical role in maintaining happiness and successful aging.We can receive social support from a number of different sources including:Friends and acquaintances – who can offer a sympathetic ear, be a sounding board for issues or concerns, and provide agreatdegree of understanding to people experiencing problems, like the loss of a spouse.Family members – like siblings, who can provide an unusual amount of emotional support as they share old, pleasant memories from childhood to the present time. Also, children can provide agreatdeal of comfort and security by helping their aging parent to understand resources that are available to them, discussing important family matters, and to help care for their parents.How Do We Do This?Here is a list of things that you can do towards improving your emotional health and well-being, according to Diana Rodriguez ( up early and drink a nice hot cup of coffee or tea while enjoying the sun, birds, and other things going on outdoors.Take a walk every day, even if it is a short one.Schedule regular social events with friends and family.Find time to be alone with your spouse.Adopt a pet.Treat your senses by lighting candles, putting fresh cut flowers around the house, or getting a massage.Foster a new hobby like gardening, knitting, sewing, or bowling.For more information, contact HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120. You can e-mail us at, see our website at, or visit our wellness center at 213 Harrison Street Ext. in Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.
Speculator Center Welcomes Back Practitioner Posted on February 13, 2013February 13, 2013 by Dakota PikeCarla M. Darrow, FNP-C to practice from Littauer’s Primary and Specialty Care CenterSpeculator, NY…Nathan Littauer is announcing that Carla M. Darrow, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, will be rejoining the Speculator Primary and Specialty Care Center on February 17, 2013. Ms. Darrow worked at the Primary Care Center for 13 years. “We were so pleased Carla has returned to this community.” stated Patrice McMahon, Vice President, Primary Care Services. Adding, “We are already getting positive comments from so many people.” She concluded, “Her reputation as a thorough, thoughtful clinician is unmatched.”Carla Darrow, FNP-C to practice in Speculator OfficeMs. Darrow, notes, “I am pleased to be going back to a community I love. Speculator is a special place.” She concluded, “As a practitioner, I like the patients and I am happy to be working once again with my colleagues within the Nathan Littauer Health System.”Ms. Darrow is experienced in administering primary and acute medical care in family practice settings. In addition, she has a diverse background in multiple healthcare fields, earning a variety of skills and experience. Besides being a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and prior to that a Registered Nurse, she also holds certificates in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Prior to coming to Littauer, she worked in a myriad of clinical settings, including worked at St. Luke’s Memorial Hospital center, Herkimer County Public Health Nursing Service. Mohawk Valley General Hospital and St. Elizabeth Hospital.Ms. Darrow will be at the Speculator Center full-time. The Nathan Littauer Primary and Specialty Care Center is located on Route 8, in Speculator, NY and interested patients can call 548-8155.