Wheezes, Sneezes & Triggers Too!Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Auditorium ~ 99 E. State Street, GloversvilleFor families of children with asthma, school personnel, child care providers, health care professionals and community members.Panel discussion on the treatment of asthma, signs and symptoms, triggers, medications, and more. A question and answer period will follow.Presented by Littauer’s Pediatric, Pharmacy & Pulmonary Services including Mona Schultz F.N.P., Robert Stankes R.Ph., and Barbara DeLuca R.R.T.FREE Program ~ Complimentary light dinner served at 6 p.m.To attend, call HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120 by 4/15You may also e-mail us at healthlink@nlh.org with your enrollment request including your name, phone number, date and title of program you wish to attend.