General QuestionsVisitation RestrictionsWhere Should I Go for Healthcare Services?Diagnostic ImagingHaving a BabyInsurance AssistanceLabMedical RecordsRehabilitation MedicineSurgeryInsurance AssistanceI need help paying for my child’s healthcare. Can someone help me?Yes, we have people who can help. There are programs which many people qualify for and we can help you apply. Please call our office at (518) 775 – 4074 or (518) 775-4092.Am I eligible?Eligibility is determined by the household size and income and the age of person applying for coverage.How much will it cost?In the case of a child the monthly premium cost of coverage is determined by the household size and the income for that household. In the case of Medicaid there may be a small co-payment cost associated with some services.Will my Medicaid coverage cover my back medical bills?Back medical bills can be paid for both children and adults through Medicaid if the person with the bills is determined to be Medicaid eligible during the month that the bill was incurred and given that the bill is no more than 3 months old.Should it be determined that the applying person is not Medicaid eligible and the back medical bills can not be covered, the enrollment staff can then assist the applicant in applying for the hospital’s financial assistance program to help ease the cost of those back medical bills received directly from NLH or NL’s primary care centers.What do I do if I have no health insurance?Please contact one of our navigators to enroll in the New York State of Health Marketplace:518-775-4074 518-775-4092 518-775-4129 518-773-5419 518-775-4128