Adult MedicineThe Birthing CenterBusiness HealthCardiologyDialysisDiagnostic ImagingEmergency CareFamily PracticeGastroenterologyGeneral SurgeryInfusion TherapyInpatient ServicesInterventional RadiologyLaboratoryLifelineNeurologyNursing at LittauerNutritional ServicesOB/GYNOphthalmologyOrthopedicsOtolaryngologyPediatricsPodiatryCardiopulmonary ServicesQuick N SickRehabilitative MedicineSecurity and SafetyUrologyWomen’s HealthAdult MedicineAlso known as internal medicine or general internal medicine, our Adult Medicine staff focuses on the care and treatment of adults aged 18 through geriatrics. Seven internists practice within the Nathan Littauer Primary Care Network while other physicians who have private practices in our community also refer their patients to the services at Nathan Littauer Hospital.