Medical Staff DirectoryYou can find a physician by searching for their name, choosing a specialty or listing physicians by their last name. For more information, please see our Medical Officers page. Select a Specialty: Choose One...AnesthesiologyAudiologyCardiologyCritical Care TelemedicineDentistryEmergency MedicineFamily PracticeGastroenterologyGeneral SurgeryHospitalist Tele MedicineInfectious Disease TelemedicineInternal MedicineNathan Littauer Nursing Home Medical DirectorNephrologyNeurologyObstetrics & GynecologyOphthalmologyOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOrthopedicsOtolaryngologyPalliative CarePathologyPediatricsPodiatryQuick N SickRadiologySurgical AssistantUrologyVascular Surgery List by first letter of last name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Physicians listed by last name: v | View ALL physiciansv Bio PageVanbuskirk, Stacey RPAInternal Medicine518-571-4200Littauer's Johnstown Primary Care Center 110 Decker Drive, Suite 100 Johnstown, NY 12095 Bio PageVelez, Francis MDGeneral Surgery518-773-5687Littauer's Gloversville General Surgery Care Center, G01 99 East State Street Gloversville, NY 12078 Bio PageVideo Verma, Shri MDGastroenterology518-773-8896Kingsboro GI Center 434 South Kingsboro Ave. Johnstown, NY 12095 Bio PageVideo Viscosi, Kelly RPAInternal Medicine518-661-5493Littauer's Mayfield Primary Care Center 2497 State Highway 30 Mayfield, NY 12117