NLH Blog

Another grateful patient

The Birthing Center is a happy place
Our Birthing Center Team display just some of the notes, cards and pictures they get from happy families.

Every day we get letters from patients who are grateful for their care at Nathan Littauer. Here, Crysti O’Connor, RN who has been an Obstetrics Nurse in our Birthing Center for 15 years, reads a note the team received today…

Another grateful patient



Wellness Words May 2015

HealthLink Littauer’s


Submitted by Wendy Chirieleison, MS Ed

Community Health Educator

Do You Know The Signs Of A Stroke?  Think F.A.S.T.!

May is American Stroke Month, the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association’s annual campaign to increase awareness of warning signs, and what to do should you or someone you know have a stroke.

Stroke is the number four cause of death and leading cause of disability in the U.S.  Many Americans do not think of stroke as a major health concern, even though every forty seconds someone in America has a stroke. The damaging effects of a stroke may be prevented if you know how to act upon the warning signs. Thinking F.A.S.T. can mean the difference between recovery and disability, or even death!


A stroke happens when a blood vessel is blocked or bursts and blood flow to the brain is stopped. Within just a few minutes of a stroke, brain cells begin to die. The most common sign of stroke is sudden weakness of the face, arm or leg, most often on one side of the body.

Other warning signs include:

  • Sudden numbness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body.
  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech.
  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause.


F.A.S.T. is an acronym used to help people recognize and remember the common stroke symptoms:


Ask the person to smile.  Does one side of the face or mouth droop?


Ask the person to raise both arms.  Does one drift downward?


Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase, such as ‘the sky is blue.’

Does the speech sound slurred or strange?


If you observe any of these signs, it is time to Call 911!


  • Know your numbers – Check your blood pressure regularly and talk to your doctor about your progress.
  • Maintain a healthy weight – Get plenty of exercise and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while limiting salt and foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • Keep diabetes under control with a proper diet and medication if necessary.
  • Talk to your doctor before making any diet and/or exercise changes.
  • Quit smoking – Need help?  Call the NYS Smokers’ Quitline at 1-866-NY-QUITS or visit
  • Keep your total cholesterol below 200.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.

REMEMBER…A stroke is mostly preventable and treatable.  Knowing the risks and thinking F.A.S.T are important, but taking steps to prevent a stroke are just as important.

For more information, visit, contact your healthcare provider or HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120.  You can e-mail us at, see our website at, or visit our NEW wellness center at 2 Colonial Court in downtown Johnstown, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  We’re your community health & wellness service of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home.

Polly Peck, NP joins the Gastroenterology Specialists of Littauer

DSC_0002_editGLOVERSVILLE – Nathan Littauer Hospital is proud to announce Polly Peck, NP has joined the Gastroenterology Specialists of Littauer. Peck will be assisting Dr. Luz Alvarez and her practice located at Littauer’s Gastroenterology Primary/Specialty Center, 135 County Highway 128, Johnstown, (also known as 434 So. Kingsboro Ave. Extension next to Cataract Care Center and Mohawk Valley Orthopedics).
“I am very fortunate to have been chosen to work with such an amazing, compassionate, patient-centered team,” said Peck. “It is great to be a part of Littauer’s growth and the offering of such a vital resources to our community.”
Peck is in her tenth year working for Littauer. She is now seeing patients, and assisting with gastroscopy and colonoscopy procedures.
An entirely new gastroenterology office was developed at Litttauer’s Johnstown Surgery Center on So. Kingsboro Ave. The 1458 square foot office houses three exam rooms, one procedure room, two offices, two restrooms, and a new reception area. The office is adjacent to the completely refurbished Endoscopy Center with a reception area, three operating rooms; sterilization equipment, a multiple patient recovery room, exam rooms, and the most complete state-of-the art technology and equipment for all procedures.
“One of the most rewarding aspects of working with Dr. Alvarez is experiencing first-hand her patient-centered philosophy. This career move reinforces the reasons why I went into medicine in the first place,” added Peck.
To schedule a consultation or appointment with Polly Peck or the Gastroenterology Specialists of Littauer, please call (518) 752-5275.

Looking for Dr. Alvarez’s new office? Look no further!

She has joined Nathan Littauer!

We are getting wonderful feedback from patients who have visited Dr. Alvarez’s in her new office and endoscopy center. But many of you do not know how to find her. You can find her four ways:

1. Look for our ads in the Amsterdam Recorder for a map. You can cut it out!

2. Enter 135 County Highway 128, Johnstown into your GPS.

3. Call the office at 752-5275 for detailed directions.

4. WATCH THIS FUN VIDEO WE CREATED! Watch step-by-step how to get to Dr. Alvarez’s office here:




Littauer welcomes Dr. Luz Alvarez

“I am excited to join Littauer and I am happy to bring my practice here”

Nathan Littauer Hospital is proud to announce Luz F. Alvarez, M.D. has joined the Gastroenterology Specialists of Littauer. Alvarez is an established gastroenterologist with a dedicated practice in this region and nearly three decades of medical experience.

Dr. Alvarez will join the Nathan Littauer Gastroenterologist Specialty Team

Dr. Alvarez has joined the Nathan Littauer Gastroenterologist Specialty Team

“Dr. Alverez has a thriving practice and we were more than willing to help her migrate that practice to the new center we developed and customized to her clinical needs,” said Laurence E. Kelly, Littauer’s President and CEO. “As CEO, it is especially satisfying to know we will have thousands of new patients that will now be a part of Littauer Health Services.”

“I am excited to join Littauer and I am happy to bring my practice here,” claims Dr. Alvarez.

Dr. Alvarez is combining forces with Dr. Kamini Ramani who also has a firmly established and well respected medical practice, and Dr. Hamid Azizur Rehman, whom she has worked closely with for 25 years. The three Littauer doctors together create the region’s most highly respected force in gastroenterology, armed with the latest state-of-the-art technology and equipment.

“Joining Littauer was a very smooth transition for me and my practice,” said Alvarez. “I am able to work with a well-recognized team, and bring my services to the Littauer community.”

Dr. Alvarez was born in Colombia, and came to the United States when she was 14 years-old. She knew she wanted to be a doctor since childhood.

“I was told as a child to be a nurse – women are not meant to be doctors” said Dr. Alvarez. “Perhaps that is why I have always strived so hard to be the best at what I do.”

She completed her undergraduate education at SUNY New Paltz in three years then continued medical school at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse at where she fulfilled her childhood dream of becoming a doctor. She completed her residency and a GI fellowship at Albany Medical College and has been in private practice since 1990.

“What is most gratifying to me is working directly with my patients. I enjoy getting to know them,” said Alvarez.

You will find Dr. Alvarez’s offices at Littauer’s Gastroenterology Primary/Specialty Center, 135 County Highway 128, Johnstown, (also known as 434 So. Kingsboro Ave. Extension next to Cataract Care Center and Mohawk Valley Orthopedics).

“I am looking forward to working in the new and complete outpatient endoscopy center,” touted Dr. Alvarez. “My patients can now be seen, be pretested, and undergo their procedure all at the same site. With this new seamless process, there will be no delays, and in most cases no lines and no use for a different facility. I think it will create a much more comfortable process for patients.”

An entirely new gastroenterology suite was developed at Litttauer’s Johnstown Surgery Center on So. Kingsboro Ave. for Dr. Alvarez. The 1458 square foot suite houses three exam rooms, one procedure room, two offices, two restrooms, and a new reception area. The office is adjacent to the completely refurbished Endoscopy Center with a reception area, three operating rooms; sterilization equipment, a multiple patient bay recovery room, exam rooms, and the most complete state-of-the art technology and equipment for all procedures.

Dr. Alvarez notes the transition for her existing patients is going to be a very comfortable process, as she is happy to say her staff has joined her at Littauer.

“I am excited to bring to my new center many of the same people I have worked with for the past 25 years. People from the front desk, to nurses, and gastroenterology technicians have been with my practice. Patients will have a very easy transition with all the familiar faces they have gotten to know and trust over the years,” said Alvarez.

Alvarez went on to say; “In addition to the new center, I am thrilled to be working with such a brilliant team of gastroenterologists. I have worked in collaboration with Dr. Ramani and Dr. Rehman for the past 25 years. As a team we can offer wonderful, quality patient care with complete coverage and service to this area.”

Colorectal cancer – which can be detected and treated by gastroenterologists, is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. Regularly scheduled screenings are highly recommended. People with any type of digestive orders are encouraged to schedule a consultation or appointment with Dr. Alvarez by calling (518) 752-5275.




Your green neighbor

Our apple orchard

Watch our Earth Day message here!

Here at Nathan Littauer Hospital, we have come up with simple and creative ways to stay green.

Our apple orchard

Nathan Littauer, caring for Mother Earth, too.

On this Earth Day we would like to share just a few things we do to care for Mother Earth too:

  • We have saved 24,000 gallons a year by switching to microfiber mop heads.
  • We use a chemical free floor stripper, which is non-toxic and odor free.
  • We added a car charging station last year.
  • We also added new lights to our parking lot, which will save us 330,000 kilowatt hours.
  • We repurpose buildings for our Primary Care Centers.
  • We send unused medical supplies to third-world nations.
  • We clean condenser coils because we have found we use six to eight percent less electricity if we do so.
  • We have bike racks and many employees car pool.
  • We added a white roof to our nursing home to save electricity.

That is why we people call us their “Green Neighbor”.