Wellness Words September 2017 Posted on September 11, 2017 by Dakota PikeHealthLink Littauer’sWELLNESS WORDSSubmitted by Carol Tomlinson, RN BSCommunity Health EducatorGuide To Protecting Kidney HealthChronic kidney disease (CDK) is a major public health concern, according to the National Diabetes, Digestive Disorders and Kidney Disease Office. CDK is more prevalent after age 60 and often goes undetected until it is very advanced. Regular testing is important especially for those at risk for CDK. Follow these steps to learn more about kidney disease, your risk and how to prevent CDK.STEP 1: KNOW THE FACTS6 things healthy kidneys do:Regulate fluid levelsFilter wastes from the bloodHelps to regulate blood pressureActivate Vitamin D for healthy bonesRelease hormone that regulates production of red blood cellsKeep blood minerals in balanceSTEP 2: ASSESS YOUR RISK FACTORSDiabetesHigh blood pressureCardiovascular diseaseAge 60 or olderObesityProlonged use of pain relievers, including high doses of acetaminophen (Tylenol)Chronic urinary tract infectionsSTEP 3: RECOGNIZE SYMPTOMSSymptoms may occur late and can be misleading. However, you should pay attention to these, especially if you are at risk:Fatigue, weaknessDifficult or painful urinationFoamy urinePink or very dark urineIncreased thirstPuffy eyesSwollen face, hands, abdomen, ankles and/or feetSTEP 4: STAY HEALTHY TO PREVENT KIDNEY DISEASE6 things people at high risk should do:Lower blood pressureKeep blood sugar under controlReduce salt intakeAvoid over-the-counter pain medicationsModerate protein consumptionGet an annual flu shotAdditional Health Activities To Prevent Kidney Disease For Everyone:Exercise regularlyControl weightStay hydratedEat a balanced dietQuit smokingDrink alcohol only in moderationShare your family medical history with your physiciansKeep cholesterol limits in a healthy rangeIf you or your family members should be in late stage CDK and require dialysis, Nathan Littauer Hospital’s new center will keep travel local and provide board certified care. For more information, attend a special program on ‘Kidney Health’ presented by Dr. Soo Gil Lee, Nephrologist of American Renal Associates, on September 27 in Littauer’s Auditorium.You are invited to join us for a buffet-style luncheon at 11:30 for $6 or attend Dr. Lee’s presentation only at 12 noon at no charge. To attend, call HealthLink Littauer at 518-736-1120.