A New Primary Care Center in Caroga Lake
GLOVERSVILLE, NY – Caroga is a town steeped in history. According to the town’s comprehensive plan, the roaring 20s marked an increase of commercial activity, complete with swelling summer populations. After the establishment of the Caroga campgrounds, many developments would take place, further increasing the population of the town.
In 1992, the town acquired the old Wheelerville School, which was originally constructed in 1856. Soon after, the town opened: municipal offices, a courtroom, a public meeting space, with a medical clinic for the public. It wasn’t until late 2005, when Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home would lease a portion of the municipal building, would the area finally welcome their first primary care office.
Thursday, September 24, 2020, began Caroga Lake’s newest historic milestone.
Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home proudly announced to the Town of Caroga Lake; the construction of a new, modern primary care center. The new center is approximately 1,350 square feet of space, and will be next to Caroga’s Town Hall, where the original primary care center was housed. A groundbreaking ceremony marked the expansion of primary care in Caroga with: the building architect, Fred Franko; with Hyman Hayes Associates, former President and CEO of Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home, Laurence E. Kelly, Vice President of Population Health and Executive Director of the Nathan Littauer Foundation, Geoffrey Peck, and the Supervisor of the Town of Caroga, Scott Horton.
“It is exciting to work with Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home in our commitment to the community,” said Horton. “We appreciate Nathan Littauer Hospital and everything they have done for the area. This new Caroga Lake Primary Care Center is a boon, and it shows that the area of our town continues to grow. In turn, so is its need for great healthcare services.”
“We continue to expand our services we provide in the Adirondack area, and we look forward to meeting new patients,” says Alison Townsend, Physician Assistant with Nathan Littauer. “We provide an invaluable service to the community members here, and I think our patients are really grateful for that. There’s a lot of history here. I am incredibly impressed with Nathan Littauer’s ability to expand healthcare services, so they are more accessible for people in the region.”