WOW! Technology meets comfort at Littauer

WOW! Technology meets comfort at Littauer

Nathan Littauer brings unique technology to the area

Once again, Littauer has brought cutting-edge diagnostic imaging to the region. The hospital added the latest MRI technology to their main campus. A new suite was constructed to house the Optima MR450w with GEM, the latest in an advanced system from GE Healthcare. The system is designed to help maximize patient comfort while delivering uncompromised image quality.

“This latest MRI is both patient and clinician friendly while producing leading-edge imagery,” states Director of Imaging/Cardiopulmonary Services Dwayne Eberle at Nathan Littauer Hospital.

“The image quality at Littauer is of the highest quality anywhere. You could not get a better image at another major hospital. And good imagery means a better diagnosis,” said Littauer’s Chief of Radiology Dr. John Mastrangelo.

The GE Optima* MR450w’s innovative wide bore design allows more space for added patient comfort. The table surface with different cushion densities is designed to alleviate pressure points, and a new coil array that offers feet-first imaging for all exam types.
“Our Diagnostic Team is committed to making people feel as comfortable as possible. We understand these are stressful tests. That is why my staff is committed to making people feel comfortable. The more comfortable a patient feels the better images we get” said Littauer’s Chief of Radiology Dr. John Mastrangelo.

In addition, GE’s Optima MR450w includes Silent Scan, a revolutionary new technique that makes some exams as quiet as a whisper.

“Nathan Littauer has always been a leader in bringing new diagnostic imaging to this area,” said Cheryl McGrattan, Littauer Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “People with migraines or people who are claustrophobic will be especially happy to hear this news.”

Funding for MRI was made in part by donations from the Nathan Littauer Foundation. “The community response to this MRI project was overwhelming. Clearly, people are committed to keeping Littauer in the forefront of technology. ” said Geoffrey Peck, Nathan Littauer Foundation Executive Director. He added, “We are so grateful to the donors who saw the need in our community and responded so generously.”

To learn more or to schedule services, contact Littauer’s Diagnostic Imaging Department at (518) 773-5520, or go to

Photo – 03192015_optima_MRI1Littauer Patient Coordinator Keri Calhoun assists a patient for a scan in Littauer’s Optima MR450w with GEM, the latest in an advanced system from GE Healthcare

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